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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. ...and this is how you end up with a penis backpiece.
  2. @Chemical Burn There's no need to feel ashamed about a Celtic Frost tattoo! That is metal as fuck!
  3. Welcome again!
  4. One of the funniest things I've read on here lately, thank you.
  5. Beautiful! Totally agreed about the placement of the raven, it works so perfectly like that.
  6. Graeme


  7. If you look at pictures of Japanese bodysuits, you see a lot of them with koi on both arms. So basically it isn't silly at all, go for it!
  8. This is why I like you.
  9. Complaining about "forum police" because I made a suggestion that some people agreed with and some people disagreed with? How thin-skinned are you?
  10. Screw all of you. I didn't have a chance to start Bioshock Infinite yesterday, but I guess I know what I'm doing for the rest of today. @Pugilist doesn't even like video games and she's captivated by it...because it's not like she has work to do either.
  11. Welcome!
  12. Shirts and Destroy just started carrying shirts designed by Tim Lehi. You can get one with a tiger on it and pretend that you're @hogg: Tim Lehi | Webstore If you're not up on S&D, they print t-shirts designed by your favourite tattooers and illustrators. I've had some of their shirts for years and they're comfortable and high quality and the designs fucking rule.
  13. Welcome! Have you looked into who attends the London Tattoo Convention? It might be that you don't need to travel at all. In any case, London has many pretty damned incredible tattooers so I'm sure that if you decide to get something sooner you'll be spoiled for choice.
  14. Welcome and I think it's awesome that you found what you wanted and travelled to get it. Dillon Forte does some great looking tattoos, and I'm going to join the call for pictures!
  15. Can I suggest that we talk a lot less about hand and finger tattoos on here? I feel that if you're in a position where you should be getting hand tattoos you don't need this or any other forum to find out information about them.
  16. I think y'all have convinced me to get Bioshock Infinite while it's still $10. Thanks, it's not like I had other things to do today.
  17. @BrianH Some of the tattoos on my lower legs have had that angry red edge to them while healing but they've healed up totally fine. Healing lower leg tattoos sucks.
  18. You don't have to spend a lot or go to a fancy place to eat horse. It's in pretty much every grocery store and I'm pretty sure that places like Frite Alors (Belgian-style fries place with locations all over the city) regularly have it on their menu. Rumour is that they fry their fries in horse fat too, which is why they're so delicious. I'm not really into horsemeat, when I've had it I've found it too lean, but you should for sure try it. Maybe if we do an LST meetup this year we can do it at Frite Alors.
  19. You should absolutely come to the Montreal convention! Also ask Chad for restaurant recommendations (and save up some money for them!) because he knows more about food in this town than I do. Me and @Pugilist went to a sushi place he was talking about when he tattooed me last year at the Montreal convention and it was literally some of the best food I've ever had in my life. Here's a link to the instagram of the chef at that restaurant. The man is a true artist, and you would almost feel bad eating food that beautiful except for that it tastes so damned incredible.
  20. Great minds, etc!
  21. I suppose it depends on the aesthetic you're going for, but in my opinion, you can't really go wrong with classic tattoo imagery...roses, birds, skulls, flowers, dragons, animal heads, daggers, lady heads, nautical and maritime designs, or any of the above in combination. I know from Instagram that the tattooers at Frith Street are always drawing and painting flash (lately I've been really digging what LM Knight has been doing) and I'm sure they have sheets and books of possible designs that you can look through and choose from if you go there. For me, a big part of the fun of getting a tattoo spontaneously is picking something that feels right at the moment and just going for it.
  22. Thanks for that reminder.
  23. Yes, you being reminded that somebody bolding something that you literally wrote when you complain that they are twisting your words is the same as someone who is being sexually harassed while in an especially vulnerable position. You are even fucking stupider than I assumed you are.
  24. He didn't twist your post, he bolded something that you wrote. Maybe you should instead think a little bit about what you write before you post it.
  25. Graeme


    The tattoo you posted in the Latest Tattoo Lowdown is absolutely superb. Welcome!
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