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Everything posted by Dashenka

  1. You said yourself, "It may not be fair." I realize that's the way it is, all I'm saying is that it isn't fair and I'm not going to let it stop me from getting tattooed. I don't have to submit to their prejudices.
  2. I currently have no tattoos, but in the years that I've been considering them, this is something I've given a lot of thought to. I'm sad to say that at one point, I even thought to myself, "What will my future husband think of my tattoos?" and of course, "What will my employer think?" Since I'm already at a disadvantage because I am a young woman, and pretty inexperienced in the work force, it is scary to think about how getting tattoos might affect me when it comes to getting a job. Then I realized this: my tattoos are for me and no one else. So why should I have to consider what anyone else is going to think of them? If I decided to throw away my personal desire to adorn my body with art because of any outside influence, I would just be perpetuating the inequality! I believe that I have every right to get tattooed, regardless of my gender, and that I have every right to get a job that I am qualified for, regardless of my appearance.
  3. Dashenka


    I certainly feel lucky. It's beautiful here!
  4. I like the tattoo, but I agree that it might benefit you to have it touched up and have someone go over the lines to make it look more "professional", as you say. Not by the same artist, of course!
  5. Dashenka


    Danke schön!
  6. Dashenka


    Hi! I'm Dasha and I'm from California. I recently moved to Vienna, and this big step has inspired me and given me the courage to finally start my own collection of tattoos. I'm here mostly to ask for advice and learn what I can from those with experience in getting tattooed.
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