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    SnowyPlover reacted to Deb Yarian in America's Next Top Tattoo Model.   
    Not a fan of the idea
  2. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from Machcekborrach in Lady Heads   
    Anderson Luna does beautiful Lady Heads.

    .@andersonluna | Webstagram - the best Instagram viewer
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    SnowyPlover got a reaction from Kristy in Relationships and tattoos   
    A possible case of "Never Nude"?
  4. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from gougetheeyes in Relationships and tattoos   
    A possible case of "Never Nude"?
  5. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to Pugilist in The ladies thread   
    @growltiger - my rudimentary understanding of pregnancy rules is that 90% of them come from "we don't really know what this would do, so don't do it just in case". My impression is that the ban on tattooing and piercing is the same. It's something that takes a toll on one's body, and the logic is to just not risk it. I think this logic can be used as an excuse to treat pregnant women like delicate porcelain dolls, which is annoying and controlling, but in the case of something so totally optional, like tattoos, I get it.
    @TrixieFaux - great response! While I know both men and women get flack and idiotic assumptions put on them for being tattooed, I truly believe that when it comes to this kind of garbage, it is just one iteration of the larger desire to control and judge women's bodies (clearly my theme for this post!), that comes from a misogynistic ethic wherein we are public property and should not have the autonomy to make decisions for ourselves. One of the things I LOVE about being a tattooed woman is the extent to which it is a rejection of that control; I get to do what I want with my goddamn body, you fucking assholes!
  6. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to TrixieFaux in The ladies thread   
    Tattooed ladies being put down again...very trendy. I just couldn't stay out of this one...
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from TatsNCats in Areas of your body you WON'T tattoo   
    I remember saying never to being tattooed on my butt. Now it is partially done - a back piece that flows on to the ass should never be underestimated!
    I think my neck is very unlikely and face will be never.
  8. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from KBeee in The ladies thread   
    Yeah, the unsolicited attention can be a bit much. I had a man inquiring about my about pain tolerance/threshold in a really creepy, sexual way; it was gross. I've had a man follow me, chanting a prayer. Some people have weird hangups and misconceptions regarding tattoos (esp tattooed women), other people don't know when to shut up or how to think before they open their mouth, other people are just disgusting specimens of humanity. The only thing I can control is how I react (which is usually exciting the scene very quickly).
    On the brighter side, a friends young son told his mom she should get decorated fancy like me.
  9. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to polliwog in Prejudice against people with poorly done tattoos?   
    @TrixieFaux - your experiences reminded me of this: so far, the least judgmental person at work to have seen my tattoos has been a very cool, take-no-bullshit older woman who I was expecting to have a strongly unfavorable opinion about them. Instead, she thought they were pretty and said, "I imagine you just forget they're there most of the time." She just got it, right away. (Meanwhile, a couple people who I thought wouldn't bat an eye have told me I was an idiot when I got the first one.)
    A good reminder that age often has nothing to do with open-mindedness, and that assumptions are usually about what's going on in my head, rather than the person in front of me.
  10. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to TrixieFaux in Prejudice against people with poorly done tattoos?   
    In terms of the people staring, or judging us just for having tattoos, I know for me one thing I am learning is NOT to have a chip on my shoulder...like, expecting people to stare and judge.
    I had two situations recently that made me realize--I'm the one judging them by thinking they are judging me!
    I saw an old lady at Trader Joe's. She was looking at me real funny and I was wearing a short sleeve shirt. I assumed she didn't like my tattoos. To my surprise she came right up to me, reached out her hand to lightly touch my arm, smiled and said, "Oh my! I thought that was a real baby at first, hahaha!" I was holding my daughter's doll in my arm the way you would hold a real infant and I guess it just freaked the lady out at first and then she was laughing about it. I started laughing and said to myself, man you just judged that lady as being uptight about tattoos and she wasn't AT ALL!
    Then like a week after that, yet another old lady was shopping at Albertson's supermarket. She was taking up a lot of room in the aisle, her cart was in the middle and she was on one side, not leaving me much room to get by. I tried to squeeze through, she glanced up and had a grumpy expression on her face and I immediately jumped to, "She's disgusted by my tattoos." No sooner did I think that when her face softened into a big smile and she said, "Oh look at me taking up the whole aisle, like I'm the only one in the store!" I laughed and told her not to worry about it as she pulled her cart out of my way. I walked away thinking what is the matter with me? Why do I keep judging these old ladies?
    It must be because of my mom. She is the only one who has ever actually said anything to my face about her disdain for tattoos. I need to get over it. Older ladies looking conservative, wearing mom-jeans, whatever, looking your way, looking grouchy....they don't necessarily hate tattoos! Some are curious, some think they are cool.
    I definitely receive many more compliments than disses, and seem to run into friendly people wherever I go. I'm trying to embrace it, and not expect people to not like them any more. If they don't like them, whatever, that's their problem, but I shouldn't expect them to not like them.
  11. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from gougetheeyes in The ladies thread   
    Yeah, the unsolicited attention can be a bit much. I had a man inquiring about my about pain tolerance/threshold in a really creepy, sexual way; it was gross. I've had a man follow me, chanting a prayer. Some people have weird hangups and misconceptions regarding tattoos (esp tattooed women), other people don't know when to shut up or how to think before they open their mouth, other people are just disgusting specimens of humanity. The only thing I can control is how I react (which is usually exciting the scene very quickly).
    On the brighter side, a friends young son told his mom she should get decorated fancy like me.
  12. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to Zillah in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got my koi done today finally. We didn't go all the way around the back this time, the tattooist thought it would be better to wait until I extend it down to the forearm to do that. The colours don't look that great in the photo- irl they are far brighter. Need to take a daytime + healed photo at some point. 7.5 hours.

  13. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to beez in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Thank you!!
    So, as I have mentioned before, Junii usually has some inspiration right before the tattoo and our plans change a bit - now it looks like we're going back to two snakes, no hannya (maybe). And the collab? Oh, just Junii, Shad, and EVERYONE IN DIAMOND CLUB, nbd. !!!!!
    At the beginning of the second day, I was looking at some frog paintings my hosts have around their home and vaguely thinking "what a cool tattoo that would be". Headed to the shop. As soon as I get there Junii says "what do you think about this?" and pulls out some frog stencils she made!! As my mind was wrapping itself around this fun bit of synchronicity, she explained that she wanted to put a meditating frog down at the bottom of my leg, and then add some dreamy clouds working their way up so it appears that everything we see is what the frog is sitting and meditating about - we have a beginning now!!
    She is going to add a few more frogs, one guy with beads, another one with a coin, maybe another guy. I am so satisfied with how this tattoo is coming along - not just with the quality of the work, but also the completely organic nature of how the tattoo itself is developing. It's really incredible to be part of this experience!! ...searching for more words...I'm just into it, is all. :p
    I'm booked again in July...we'll see what she comes up with next!!!!!
    I've attached some action shots and one of me being just clearly insanely happy to be where I am. (Thank you for indulging me). Yes @Lance, best birthday present to self ever.
    @Zillah the koi looks great!! You are a beast to sit for 7.5 hours - that shit is hard! Congrats and can't wait to see a healed pic.
  14. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from Zillah in The ladies thread   
    Yeah, the unsolicited attention can be a bit much. I had a man inquiring about my about pain tolerance/threshold in a really creepy, sexual way; it was gross. I've had a man follow me, chanting a prayer. Some people have weird hangups and misconceptions regarding tattoos (esp tattooed women), other people don't know when to shut up or how to think before they open their mouth, other people are just disgusting specimens of humanity. The only thing I can control is how I react (which is usually exciting the scene very quickly).
    On the brighter side, a friends young son told his mom she should get decorated fancy like me.
  15. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to scubaron in Upcoming Tattoos   
    1st session of shading and pattern. Red areas will turn grey. 2nd session in 3 weeks, more pattern and shading.

  16. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to grahamcordery in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Fully healed from Anderson Luna @ Saved tattoo NYC . Will most likely add to it on this years NYC visit ;) Also posted in the lady head thread.
  17. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to graybones in Cultural Appropriation and tattoos   
    I think there is a certain nuance that gets lost in discussions about cultural appropriation. There's a difference between cultural exchange (e.g. Western people getting Japanese-style tattoos) and cultural appropriation.
    There's more to it than just, "did this design come from another culture?" That alone isn't offensive. Does this design have specific spiritual / cultural significance that is lost on outsiders (the Maori Tā moko)? Is this tattoo inaccurate in a significant way that shows a lack of respect for the culture (Native American women in a headdress)? Is the subject of the tattoo from a cultural group that is subjected to oppression or violence today in a manner depicted in the tattoo (gypsy head tattoos [beheading], Native American pin-up girls [sexual assault])?
    From what I understand, dreamcatcher tattoos generally aren't offensive because they don't have a specific spiritual meaning and have been given to outsiders for decades. Whereas a sexualized woman in a headdress is offensive because the headdress had specific cultural meaning and because Native American women are subjected to sexual assault at an incredibly high rate.
    Deciding what tattoos you're comfortable getting is a very personal choice... I would not judge anyone here or speak badly about anyone's tattoos. I am only critical about what I would get on my own body. Even if I don't fully understand why a tattoo is offensive to members of a culture, I prefer to err on the side of respect (even if it's "over-PC") than offense.
    Sorry this got so long, and sorry in advance if I offended anyone. This is something I have thought a lot about.
  18. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to Mark Bee in Cultural Appropriation and tattoos   
    For those who are interested in this sort of thing, the problem with cultural appropriation is not simply borrowing from another culture. The problem comes from an imbalance of power in that relationship. When a dominant group starts appropriating the sacred traditions, symbols, icons, and cultural artefacts of a subject culture, then it is not uncommon for those in the subordinate group to be offended by that use of their heritage. Some will care more than others, and some will care not at all. That said, I think the issue of power relationships between groups has been missing from this discussion. The use of other groups symbols may cause insult or offense, regardless of intentions. Some don't care, others care a great deal, and likely many have never even thought about it.
    Do whatever you like, and get whatever tattoos you want. I have no horse in this race, and I don't care what anyone gets tattooed or who tattoos them. I have a sugar skull that many would consider appropriative. I'm simply trying to highlight the root of the debate about cultural appropriation.
  19. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from Tesseracts in Native American tattoos / designs   
    Davelang, it's great to have you here - I'm a big admirer of PNW Native art. Your bear/salmon carving would be an incredible inspiration for a full back piece!
    I saw this piece by Rory Keating earlier in the week, it's a large scale orca which I found interesting.
  20. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to MrsGougeTheEyes in Areas of your body you WON'T tattoo   
    I've learned to never say never. A couple years ago I said I would never tattoo my legs. I currently have 4 on my shins. Ten years ago I would have said I'd never be heavily tattooed "2 is enough!". And now I have more than I could ever count. At this point I'm just letting my tattoos flow with my life.
  21. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to Mark Bee in Seniors showing some great tattoos   
    Tattooed Seniors Finally Put A End To The Question "But What About When You're Older?"
  22. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from JBluewind in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    For future reference Sean Sinha, no worries, most "40 year olds" can handle being told off; we don't have dementia yet and do not need to be treated with kid gloves because of our feeble minds (although I think in this case, you actually did get a 40 yo with seriously compromised brain function).
  23. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from growltiger in The ladies thread   
    I've seen that too - that's what I'm planning to use when we start work on my front (the tape/bandages, not socks lol).
  24. Like
    SnowyPlover reacted to growltiger in The ladies thread   
    I've seen photos of ladies with two medical bandages taped on. You know, like a square of gauze with medical tape round the edges. That seems pretty flexible in terms of placement plus means you could easily move around without danger of them falling off.
    The sock thing makes me think of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers album cover with the willy socks. @Zillah : photo or it didn't happen ;)
  25. Like
    SnowyPlover got a reaction from SeeSea in The ladies thread   
    Okay, I found the article - this is what I do, like the women here (without the bouffant chignon hair) with the black drapey things, plus yoga pants.
    Bum and fundoshi and warning for the following link if you are at work.
    The gangster-turned-tattooist trying to end Japan's discrimination against people with body art | Mail Online
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