I work at a Sam Goody, one of like 2 left, in San Diego and a lot of us there have tattoos. Both my department manager and my old department lead have tattoos all up there arms and they don't have to cover them up or anything. Thats one of the few things i really like about the company, at least at the store level. In addition we recently hired a friend of mine, and others at the store, who used to work at a tattoo shop and he is covered all the way from the neck & throat to the hands & fingers. As for me personally, I have yet to make the jump past the sleeves of a t-shirt. I feel like it shouldn't make a difference if you have tattoos there in the workplace, because they can easily be covered up. I just don't know if i should because I don't want to hinder my future, kind of hypocritical but I'm sure i'll get work done on the lower arm eventually.