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Everything posted by Delicious

  1. My red on my ankle is still blech. I mean, It's healed successfully, but there is still a scab back from November on it, and if I dont lotion it everyday, looks like a white film over it. It looks fine once I put lotion on it, so I guess Im lotioning my ankles everyday from now on.
  2. Very cool @MJH IV , I really like them both!
  3. lmao whats a hella artist? its so weird to hear this outside of northern CA. but yeah that guy is cool! Thanks for the link
  4. I think I will stop. I only want so much on my body. I actually like the look of having 60% skin, the rest tattooed. it accents the body and doesn't dominate it. But I will always encourage others in getting tattooed as much as they want. Shit if my life were different, if I were a different person (body type wise) and I didnt want the same things I want now, Id be down to be alot more tattooed.
  5. well I wonder if I should start one then...
  6. Oh sweet @Dan S, you're getting something on the other side? Will it compliment the lady and the Tiger
  7. Well @SailorClaire, you could have asked us before you just threw down what you'd be doing. Im sure if you participated in this forum beyond what you can gain from it (your thesis paper), many of the women on here wouldn't mind participating. If you love tattoos, then participate in the threads on the forum... Im sure that we'd love the input. its always better to give as much as you take away
  8. I think in Britain they can finish school and get a certificate for a profession at like 16...
  9. I know this is a stupid question, but how do tattoos get infected? I understand that they are open wounds, but for most people I know, just washing it, washing your hands before you touch it, and keeping it from drying out have healed their tattoos no problem. All of mine healed without infection... Is it the shop that gives the infection? Or the person wearing the tattoo... But if you just dont fuck with it, and dont touch it with dirty hands, you should be all good. cover it when it comes to dirty places... I just never understood how you can get an infection in a tattoo
  10. Delicious

    Book thread

    Started the hobbit, just finished ender's game. and ender's shadow. and a good chunk of this side of paradise. Halfway through Frankenstein, a few pages into Beowulf. When Im real bored Im gonna finally settle down and read the Histories by Herodotus
  11. I didnt tip on my first tattoo and felt like an ass. So ever since, when I go with other people or I go myself, I do the math and tip accordingly... seriously throwing in an extra few bills wont hurt, though you think you paid them for the tattoo, always nice to tip. Btw, not one or five dollar bills lmao
  12. I feel bad when I hear racism, bigotry, gay slander, etc... and it makes me angry. But to be angry about unintentional, unmeant "racism", which certainly is up to the individuals impacted to judge, seems a bit of a stretch of empathy. It veers on pretentiousness. People just get too sensitive
  13. I can understand where you are coming from, but her righteous indignation comes from being a third party observer, not actually being effected by the perceived racism. it would be a valid point if it were coming from actual native american person, who was upset by the fetishization of their women, the appropriation of their culture... But instead it comes from a person who argues against appropriation of other people's cultures yet appropriates their anger and disgust. For what reason should she be offended?
  14. Step one, breathe. Lol it will be ok. You will never change people's mind about tattoos if they dislike them. They may change on their own, but nothing you can do will change them. But you are a 50 year old man. You should know by now how people are in this world, and your tattoos were your own choice, you probably knew someone would disagree. Why do you care about those who said you've changed, you werent the person I thought you were? If a mark on your skin changes people's good opinion of you, then their opinion wasn't worth much to begin with. You ask, why can't people look at a tattoo for its artistic quality? Why do they stigmatize? Because they can. Why should they be forced to look at something they do not like and then legitimize it for you? Why do you have to force them to recognize something that they simply cannot... that tattoos are beautiful, but only in our skin, they dont change who we are at our core. but for you to say, why oh why cant they see it the way I do, and not judge me for the choices I made, is just as intolerant as them saying/doing that stuff to you. We cannot control the minds of others, or ask why. If they like it, they like it, if they don't, then don't associate with them. Also, it won't help your cause to go up to someone you know doesn't like tattoos, whip out your arms, and essentially say "APPRECIATE THE ARTISTIC VALUE!!!! APPRECIATE IT!!! WHY CAN'T YOU APPRECIATE SOMETHING YOU FIND ABHORRENT, BASED ON HOW GOOD I THINK IT LOOKS? btw, comparing tattoo culture to a cult... maybe you're too enthused about being tattooed? How about comparing tattoo culture to a lifestyle... Cult kinda has bad connotations
  15. Interesting point @Jack Most women's chests I see have a few things on them that women my age always seem to get on their chests. Fancy Filigree and Lettering, with some asinine quote. Clocks, Owls, pocketwatches, birds, flowers, more filigree, etc. I wonder why this is? Is it tumblr influencing this? Is it because it is seen as safe and feminine? It would nice to have a thread that was just women's chest pieces. A) to see what is the most common imagery on women's chests b) to see anything new, exciting, elegant.
  16. Actually, I truly believe she was on a rant, because people kept sending in pictures of their shitty tattoos, with common motifs, she cried, Racism! and here's why. personally, I cant stand that type of thinking, but I think that my righteous indignation at what she said, mentioning her here, is just feeding into the attention she craves. And, she doesn't know shit about tattoos, excluding the basics... So lesson here is, if we feed the troll, other people will feed into her too
  17. for one, I am a girl lol. and for two, I thought it was utter bullshit from that blog, those are not my opinions
  18. And when @phickey got his tattoo, panties dropped simultaneously around the world.... haha jk But seriously, that tattoo is fucking nuts. Love it!
  19. I dont mind at all. lol I keep thinking, peonies and a snake, japanese style, would look so kick ass on a girl's calf. But I am super stoked to see how it works out for you on the 18th!
  20. Haha I understand. I just remember you said you were looking around and were content to let them do whatever... Hopefully we changed your mind, and you at least had an idea you liked? - - - Updated - - - Lol I consider heavily tattooed like full sleeves, legs all filled in, chest completely tattooed, and back too.. I figure I am problably wrong but oh well. For myself, I can see adding more to my left shoulder, doing my right shoulder, my calf maybe, thigh, other side of my chest, and maybe maybe someday getting my arm. But I am picky and young, with career goals that dont match up with tattoos... So thats problably the farthest I'd go getting tattooed... seems like alot of tattoo but its not heavily tattooed at all
  21. when is the next tattoo then? What were you thinking?
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