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Everything posted by Delicious

  1. I keep liking these lady heads: I don't know who drew these, but I know that these two images are very common. I like them both, not exactly these ones, but I remember seeing old flash that looked like the two in the pictures.
  2. speaking of new artists who joined state of grace, Beau Brady is to die for. I want to head up to San Jose now
  3. I agree with the liked posts idea too. for a newbie, it means they either said some interesting, or non spammy things, or that they got a kick ass tattoo that people liked. Either one is positive reinforcement for good behavior ;)
  4. ah i didnt know, because he spoke as if he were taking care of it on himself. Btw, @else, please pretty please upload your chad panther!!! I want to look at it all day
  5. 2 tattoos? wasnt that super infected ribbon with wings yours? Anywho, variety is the spice of life. get tattoos from more than one person
  6. @Iwar, I kind of like it! Certainly not the worst tattoo I have ever seen, and though it's not the best, I like how it looks kind of etched
  7. gah!! @Iwar... its soo good but give us mere mortals a chance to compete!
  8. Welcome welcome welcome!!!!! I love your work so much, so I am glad you came to a site like this!
  9. Delicious


    well, some of us might not touch them, but i prefer to get a nice handful of skin and proceed to ask about price and pain levels. I find it's a great ice breaker!!! lol hahaha Im kidding, welcome to the forum Stacey Pen
  10. yeah firefly is the shit... gonna watch serenity for sure now. i thought it would be one of those shitty movies, but havent heard anything but good about it
  11. DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I am not really even into Chad's style, but fuck I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved hindu/indian looking imagery. Nice addition to the squidpants. Love the Krishna crown too, the markings over the third eye... just perfect
  12. I have never watched Firefly until I saw it on netflix this week... its so good Im sad there is only one season... Any of you guys like firefly? Also, any downton abbey fans are welcome...
  13. Fuck I do not envy your pain, but the end result will be great. I have heard that Hooper tattoos are brutal
  14. Love the boxer cat! really cool
  15. Your Hooper arm with the bird right? Can't wait to see the pictures
  16. Delicious


    Denial isnt just a river in egypt. Anywho, glad to see the ladies like your "tats", I mean, thats why you got them right?
  17. i remember @else said she was getting a new addition to her squidpants tomorrow... I cant wait to see
  18. Delicious


    You have taken us all wrong! This is not a forum to condescend upon people for their tattoos, good or bad! You got really snappy really quick, and all @Graeme was saying is you rushed alot into getting so many tattoos in a year, and while they are not bad, they aren't good either. This place is designed for people like you to come and learn and participate in the community! If you stay around, you will see what we mean by the quality of your work. I suggest check out "What makes a good tattoo", really informative! This site is made up of people who tattoo, who love tattoos, and those who want to participate. Many members have tattoos by some of the best in the business. some of the posters here are the best in the business. Stay, learn, grow... you still have alot of skin to negate your less than perfect work! I may not have the best tattoos in the world, but they will age well and hold up with time. Can you say the same about what you have? Improve instead of being defensive!
  19. Delicious


    With that kind of attitude, you wont be long on this forum. People around here don't take kindly to aggressive or rude behavior. Anywho, welcome! Hopefully we can see your input and help you gain more knowledge about being and getting tattooed. I am glad you like your tattoos, but this website can introduce you to a whole other level of skill, and you can fix or improve upon what you have now. A quick tip for you... being hostile will get you booted fast around here, so my rule of thumb here is listen before you speak, and you'll also learn think before you ink... A little planning and pacing goes a long way with getting good tattoos!
  20. ugh fuck that guy... seriously, how did anyone even believe it? You can spot a Valerie Vargas tattoo almost immeadiately! Same with the others that he took, all so recognizable in style it seems so lazy just to photoshop every thing the way you want it... I hate thieves.
  21. fuck yeah. Im big into the hindu imagery! Love it
  22. I'd like to see shiva doing the tandava as a tattoo, like the one @jayessebee got. Hint hint lets see it!
  23. Tattoo model... sounds kinda cheap doesnt it? Usually, its pretty boys and girls, who like attention so they go out and get hella tattoos, take a few pictures, then they are internet famous. So they do more and more for more attention. Young women tattooing their face, men getting the warped tour body suit... makes me wanna shake the fuck out of them. Then they gage their ears beyong recognition, the girls get cheek piercings, well fuck, anything on their face pierced. And for what? For 15 minutes of internet fame, with permanent body modifications? Also, the tattoos they get are shitty af
  24. No tattoos for me until april, but my older sister is getting a big tattoo for her birthday. Her birthday is next month, but she will get it done I think this Sunday, or if not then the sometime during the following week. Day of the dead girl with roses in her hair, on her upper arm. Lol I said i'd chip in 120 bucks to her tattoo for her birthday, so she is treating me to a tattoo for my 20th birthday in april. Deciding what I want, not a big tattoo this time, I'm just trying to find the right imagery for what I like.
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