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Posts posted by andrew8643g

  1. On 11/13/2014 at 4:08 AM, bongsau said:

    You can't compare a medical procedure with getting a tattoo.

    ...and I will add...I had my tonsils taken out (as an adult). And I would re-tattoo my stomach w/ no painkillers over the 2 week post-tonsillectomy healing period with painkillers, any day of the week !!!

    Now I've tried a bunch of things to take the edge...somebody called me the Hunter S Thompson of tattoo clients (LOL) for my investigative work earlier in this thread (in the name of science!). But shit that's just bactine, nyquil, pot cookies and booze. I've never tried the numbing cream that makes you feel like your wearing a leather jacket. Maybe I will try that when I finally get going on (the ass section of) my backpiece. Or maybe I won't because I want to feel every second of that fiery fury that I've heard about (thank you LST). But I haven't even heard of half the pill cocktails people are talking about here. I can understand if people want to medicate/numb to push through long or back-to-back sessions, party on your ribs or knee ditch. More power to you. But if you need to default to numbing cream and a handful of pills to get a 2 hour banger on the side of your neck, c'mon. This is tattoo! My point is if you are that scared about the pain or can't take it, maybe reconsider why you want to go through with that tattoo in the first place...tattooing isn't for everyone, but holy shit this new age is using every trick in the book to make it accessible for everyone.

    You don't need to be a hero...but you also don't need to be a pussy !

    To each their own. Maybe I'm being a bit brash. My $0.02 /flameon

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    I may have got into this tattoo mess much later than you Mick, but I couldn't agree more!

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    7 hour session is NOTHING to feel shame about, that's a mega-sit 🙂

    You are bang on @Swifty - we the people, we love tattoos. And people will do whatever it takes to get invisalign stoke on trent what they love.


    I discovered tattoos later in life.

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