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  1. jdm

    Tattoo anxiety

    ... and xanax is on hand. Lol. My tattoo artist says I'm waaaaaaaay in my head. To the extremes. It's strange. I feel fine with forearm tattoos tho. I do feel the couple I added yesterday helped a little, but I never wanted a "big" tattoo and it's just very jarring. Anxiety is a bitch. I wish I was more like...who gives a shit. All my tattoos have "zen" images and meanings, meanwhile I'm the furthest thing from zen there is. Lol. I guess I compare and question my design and need to get out of my head. My best friend is getting her tattoo from my guy BECAUSE of this tattoo of mine. And she has a gift certificate to somewhere else, BUT she's going to him because of my tattoo. So, that says something. Says I need to shut up take a xanax and rock the damn tattoo. Lol.
  2. jdm

    Tattoo anxiety

    Lol...no sleeves for me, that would send me straight to the grave. Lol. Thanks for your reply. I gotta get thru it and own it. I just got 2 new ones yesterday and it sorta brought it all together, but I still nit pick thos one apart. And I shouldn't but I do. I may have it wrapped around or something. Anxiety is the worst. Seriously awful. Wish my brain was care free
  3. jdm

    Tattoo anxiety

    Thanks. And u just made me laugh, I guess my comment sounded conceded, and I did not mean to sound that way. I guess I'm in freak out mode because it's so on display. I don't think anything will ever meet my expectations because of where it is. So on display. My friend is actually going to my tattoo guy BECAUSE of this tattoo. Removal is not an option. I wont do that. I do have crippling anxiety due to having multiple sclerosis. I'm overly critical of this tattoo. The design is a sun with sun rays that wraps around and up over my shoulder and a lotus below it. I don't like flowers. Just lotuses. Haha. So it's not your typical flowers down the arm tattoo. It's actually a unique design. I love yoga and zen things although from my post...I don't sound so zen. Haha. I've been going thru it now since summer started. I would say it's going in a while. I wear it out, got a compliment from someone at the gas station, I just don't look at it myself with it. It makes my stomach sink. Like I ruined myself. I'm ocd about it. I continue to get tattoos tho. I dont want to be a lunatic over it either. I always said I would never tattoo my upper arms and I did. And for the life of me, can't figure out why I did that. I was living in the moment I guess. So, if the reality of the tattoo doesn't meet my expectations, what do u do for that? Add to it? Thank you for responding to me. I appreciate it a lot. I feel like I lost my mind over thos. I just got another tattoo on my forearm, and love it, it's smaller. Maybe that's why. I don't know. I allowed thos to be placed somewhere I never wanted ot, I approved it loved it afterwards and now....maybe cause it's so on display. I'm not used to having such big visible tattoos. Like, why cant I just be cool about it. I LOVE tattoos.
  4. jdm

    Tattoo anxiety

    Hello, So I'm new here and reddit is just awful people so, I wanted advice. So for some reason, I allowed a tattoo be blasted down my arm. My fault I know. I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are. So, I got a sun over a lotus tattoo. My artist is extremely talented, there is not 1 shaky line, crooked line, and hes not cheap. Hes been tattooing me and my husband a long time. The line work is out of this workd, perfectly straight. Its a bold tattoo. All black. Everyone loves it. But for some bizzare reason, I can not look at myself in the mirror at this tattoo. Has this ever happened to anyone before? It's healed, but all I do is cover it and hide it. Has this happened to anyone? It turned out bigger and bolder than I ever imagined. From my shoulder to about 3 inches above my elbow.
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