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Posts posted by spiderwoods

  1. I started laser treatment on a large chest tattoo back in october. So far I have had 2 treatments and it is being done in 2 halves due to the size of the tattoo so I have the first side of the tattoo done and then the other side done 2 weeks after. My tattoo is black with shading and then colours around the outside which are dark green and a few small bits which are fluorescent green.

    So far I have gaps in certain areas from where the laser has worked and the green has gone a lot lighter but the fluorescent green will not work with the laser. I have 2 full sleeves and I think that having laser is a lot worse even though each laser session only lasts about 40 minutes. Due to my tattoo being on my chest I experience bleeding which isn`t very pleasant and also bruising, swelling and redness. I had my last laser treatment a week ago and my chest is healing, I just have some crusty bits and the skin is flaking a bit.

    Originally I wanted total removal but I am being realistic and don`t think this is possible so now I am gonna go for a cover up once my laser is finished. I have paid for 5 treatments and you get 2 free so its 7 treatments for the price of 5.

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