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Everything posted by calledieu

  1. I got this tattoo back in August and I noticed something odd happening to the lines under the skin on day 2 or 3; I assumed it was the regular ink pooling etc that happens but it was still there upon removing the skin and still there to this day. I followed all the aftercare instructions and apart from the spread, nothing out of the ordinary happened during healing. I've gone to several people I'd consider authorities in the field and no one has ever seen something like this before, saying it's definitely not blowout (it's like a uniform spread of grey along every line that abruptly stops about 2mm out), but I'm still perplexed as to what happened and was wondering if anyone here has seen something similar? I want to clarify that it's not the artist's fault at all; they did an amazing job as far as I and the experts could tell and they were apologetic and equally confused. (thank you again if you see this!) I'm mostly posting this as it was my first tattoo and I'd love to get more, but I'm worried that if there's something up with my body/skin then the same thing might happen again. Of course the best way to check would probably be to get another one and see what happens, but if anyone out there could offer any explanation/info before I jump in, that would be great too.
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