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Everything posted by roserh6

  1. @oboogie Thanks I appreciate your honesty
  2. @oboogie Well I don't plan on going back to that artist because I'm no longer in the area, but could you tell me specifically why you say that? I realize the pics I uploaded are quite blurry so it seems a little blown out on the edges but it looks cleaner irl.
  3. I got this raven on my arm 3 weeks ago. I'm really happy with the look of the tattoo itself, however I'm a bit concerned that the positioning causes it not to flow with my arm muscles and might look a little awkward, especially since it stretches when I bend my arm (2nd pic). What do you think? Generally I think tattoos on the bicep should be going in the other direction right? I'm thinking I could balance it out and make it more symmetrical by framing it in a circle (3rd pic) or perhaps making that a full moon with shading which I think would go really well with it. Any other suggestions on how to balance it out, or general shapes for other tattoos I could get on my arm which would make it flow better? Or does it look fine as is?
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