I just got a new piece done and I absolutely hate it I want to cut my leg off. The design it self isn’t bad, I love the concept I just hate how it’s made to look like a symbol that is not me. The artist also incorporated this light pink/purple colour that we did not discuss and after it was done I was just shocked. Is there a way to get this fixed? I don’t want to get it removed by laser and was wondering if I could go to an artist who could fix it. Can you go over this pinky colour with black ink to mask it? could you go around the design with some line work so that it looks less like the symbol?
I also want to know the dynamics of getting a tattoo done. The artist is very reputable and I don’t want to offend them because it’s not their fault. Their design is great and the piece was done really well I just don’t think I could live with this on my leg forever. What are the rules for getting the design changed?