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Everything posted by DJDeepFried

  1. This made me LOL. RE: Kendell Jenner "Her very first one, a single white dot, is virtually the epitome of minimalism." https://www.yahoo.com/makers/hot-tiny-tattoo-trend-surprisingly-090038072.html Why get a full back piece when you can get an invisible dot on your middle finger? Bet she paid a sh*tload for it.
  2. Totally normal to tweak out and obsess about your first tattoo. But you have to let it go. Put your energy into planning the next one. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. You prefer learning from the Internet? Then you've just been given some invaluable advice. Get tattooed. Even if you have to travel. Even if you have to save up for it. Then: get an apprenticeship. Here's some more free advice. Nothing worth doing comes easy. You want to be a tattoo artist? You'll have to work for it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Jeez from the intro I was expecting something terrible. I like it a lot. It will lighten up and settle in naturally over time. What you need to do is get more good tattoos! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. If you don't have anything nice to say…
  6. I'm no doctor but you should probably go to the doctor.
  7. Nobody's angry. I'm telling you out of kindness. There's a right way and a wrong way to do things. You wouldn't start pulling teeth without going to dental school, would you? Get an apprenticeship. Get good tattoos.
  8. Finally! Thanks a bunch.
  9. Yep. Get those all the time. WHAT DOES IT MEAN??! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. It says that on a lot of tattooers' websites but I'm not so sure it's always true. Maybe a way to keep away non-serious inquiries? For example, it's said that on Thomas Hooper's site forever but the guy above got one. Persistence helps.
  11. If you really want a David Hale tattoo I'd go for it. Could be worth the wait. A pal o mine has two by him. He can't be that impossible to book with. Why compromise?
  12. Well I guess nothing embodies the "rebel spirit" more than getting a Confederate flag tattoo in 2015. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. A tattooed pocket watch is only right twice a day Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Now that I'd like to see. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Badassness. But seriously, odd that it's on the checklist.
  16. Tiger or dragon? The obvious answer is both.
  17. That's fucking stunning @SeeSea
  18. Pharaoh's tigers?
  19. If you want a watercolor tattoo find an artist who specializes in that style (like Amanda Wachob) and ask her or him if there's anything she/he has always wanted to do or has drawn or painted something that you like.. (Not sure if an artist like that would have flash to look at.) I like the matador okay but the feather turning into birds is a bit of a cliche.
  20. What would you do to pimp up these random symbols to turn them into a real sentence? [«»] Thanks! But seriously dude golden waves and a sun sounds cool. But you should probably go to a different tattoo artist who specializes in something more than silly little squiggles.
  21. Try meditation.
  22. It looks unfinished to me especially without color in the scales. I'd think about that first. Otherwise nice tattoo. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Found a great new sunscreen. Blue Lizard. Only stuff I've used that stays on in the water but not cheap.
  24. You should probably get a koi. They never look like penii.
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