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Posts posted by HaydenRose

  1. Lately I've been considering going to NY Adorned to explore some cool ear piercing options. I have two standard holes in each ear, but I've been digging what the crew at NYA has been doing. I love the look of nose rings and always wanted one but knowing I'll always have a hole when I decide to not have a nose ring anymore just keeps turning me off to the idea... But then that logic just seems weird considering all of my visible tattoos. Maybe it's the idea of superficial altering versus more deep, physical altering of the body are two very different things.

  2. Thanks for the tip Myles. I still haven't popped my tattoo cherry, so all help is really appreciated. I think I want to go with the full quote. I know its kind of long, but I wouldn't want to cut it down at all. Those ideas were pretty cool though. Hopefully I can find a way to fit it on my arm, along with an elephant, roses and lots of greywash.

    I will for sure check out Freddy Corbin / Katie Sellergren. Like I said, I have ZERO tattoo experience, so that helps a lot. Any other good artists in the area, let me know! haha

    Do not go to any one else but these two!!! I have a few script tattoos I want to get and I'm patiently waiting until Katie might guest in NYC again (I really hope she does!).

  3. I have no problem with little kids liking My Little Pony. When teenagers start watching the show and talking about it on 4chan, then there's an issue. It's not developmentally sane for someone that old to watch a show like that. As for the boy who was bullied, there was obviously some wrong-doing on the part of the school and kids at the school.

    Or bronies... lmao

    Idk, I think anyone can watch what they want. I've been an avid Spongebob fan for 10+ years :p No shame.

  4. I'm not saying this speech was directed at me in particular (or that it doesn't apply to me at all). However, in my defense, I do not post for the purpose of upsetting others, nor does it bring me any sort of amusement or entertainment when someone does get upset by something I've said. I simply reserve the right to formulate my own opinions/conclusions, and I will defend that right, sometimes bitterly. As a non-conformist, the one thing I cannot allow anyone to take from me is my freedom to think for myself. Sometimes I will drop things because too many people are getting upset. I still have the right to my own opinions/conclusions, and I won't say I'm wrong if I don't think I am. I simply choose to keep certain opinions to myself when I find that too many others have become sensitive to them. But I will never change myself to please the masses, no matter how displeasing I become. However, rather than continue to be a bitter taste in everyone's mouth, I won't continue to force people to listen to my thoughts/opinions when many others find them to be offensive. And I do also attempt to make positive contributions to forums. What I think of as a troll is someone who has no interest in making a positive contribution, only in expressing their own point of view no matter who likes it or doesn't like it. And often it's not just the point of view that's being expressed, but how it is being expressed that's a problem. You can be right, but if not willing to engage in open dialogue with others who's point of view differs from your own, then you're a troll, methinks. Now, that doesn't mean that you have to change your point of view, it simply means that you're acknowledging that other people have a right to express a different point of view, and you are respecting them for it. I don't agree with certain points of view that are expressed on this forum, and I don't understand them and I may never understand them. But I respect people's right to have them, and all I ask is the same in return. We are all respecting each others right to choose how we express ourselves through the art we put on our bodies, why can't we respect each others right to express different points of view? That's all I'm saying. I've been called a troll by people who tried to force their expectations on me, yet refuse to respect the fact that I don't agree with them. I've had no choice but to protect myself from those people by placing them on my ignore list. I will not be forced into a way of thinking that I do not agree with or understand. If you can't or won't respect that, then it's paramount to me that I protect myself from you. People like that will turn the world into a wasteland one day. Everything we've tried to put behind us was brought about by those kind of people.

    TBH, I'm glad you stuck around. And no, I don't think you're a "troll" by any means. Some people come on here and act like they know a lot and we label them "troll", but more often than not I think they're just misinformed. Typically, the ones that stick around turn out to not be "troll"-like and eventually realize most people on here know their shit and its better to just go with the flow. There will always be people in our lives that we may not agree with, or hold different views of the world, but it doesn't mean they are horrible people.

  5. I'm glad this thread is back! I've been reading like a maniac lately. Finished the Mayfair Witches Trilogy awhile back. Bought into the hype and read The Night Circus and enjoyed it... I think the character development could have been stronger and it should have had more meat to it, it felt too surface-y for me.

    Then I went on a YA binge and read The Demon King (a 7 book? series), which despite its writing faults I thought the story was great and the characters were very fleshed out. I read a god awful book called Fallen that could have been really good, but instead was trying too hard to impress a certain audience, IMO.

    I also took a chance on a dystopian YA series, the first book titled Delirium and was pleasantly surprised. The writing is breathtaking even though the premise is a stretch (love=disease, people get cured), it really works. The author focuses on psychological/medical reasons and I liked that edge. Right now I'm starting Pandemonium, the second book in the series and already love it.

  6. For me personally, I was mostly pain free by about day 5. For the first 2 or 3 days, every time you go to stand up, it feels like your leg has the worst bruise imaginable and someone is squeezing it as tight as they possibly can. My artist warned me this would happen when we did my first lower leg one, but I didn't really know what he meant. So I kind of hopped out of bed the next morning and was instantly crippled by the pain and had to sit down again. For those first couple days, it takes me a good few minutes to stand up and get moving and then I'm limping everywhere. It seems to be the longer your leg stays elevated, the worse it gets when you do stand up...but if you don't elevate your leg, it swells up like a balloon. Kind of a lose-lose outcome.

    I usually only give myself about a day to recover and head back to work when I'm still in the hobbling stages. Luckily my job is mostly sitting, so I can tough it out. I wouldn't dream of going back to work so soon on a job that's primarily standing...

    Thanks for that! I'm getting a lower leg tattoo in May *cringe* and plan on taking the next day off from work. Laying around the house watching TV is the ideal PTO for me haha

  7. We have two cats - an 8 year old orange cat named Calvin

    !!!! My dog (passed away a few years ago) and forever the love of my life was named Calvin. We think he was a border collie-hound mix. He ran like a greyhound and would "herd" us as kids when we played outside. Here he is in a photo I took of him at our house in Vermont (my dad used to own a construction company, hence the bucket). Can't wait until we adopt in a few months! Now I have a place to spam hahaha


    This is a photo of my dad's dog he adopted about 2 years ago. She was born during and survived Hurricane Irene, which hit lower Vermont really bad a few years ago. She's one sharp and spunky pup! Her name is Harley for Harley Davidson (obv) She is a beagle/australian shepherd mix, so adorable!


  8. Can't go wrong with a rescue pit bull. They're amazing dogs. My family has always had them from aunts to my sisters and me.

    I love pitbulls too but the bad adoption experience I mentioned before was a pitbull... and well, it's my husbands first dog ever and it's important that he's comfortable. It had nothing to do with the breed, more the individual dog had issues. But they are awesome dogs.

  9. @polliwog I used to wash 2-3 times a day as well, but I started realizing THAT was what was drying out my tattoo a lot. Sometimes if you cut down washing to once a day, you don't have to moisturize as often, which protects you from over-moisturizing. Always a delicate balance, IMO.
  10. I am in southwestern Vermont, and I do have an artist I normally go to, but when we spoke he said I could do skulls, roses, and webs. I am looking to do all of those, but I also am interested in having more to it. I want to do black and grey for my sleeve with red thrown in occasionally. I am just not sure what else to fill a sleeve with that wouldn't be just a bunch of random images.

    Curious. Where did you get tattooed already? (Born and raised Vermonter)

    If you're up for a trip to NYC, that's your best option for artists. But Congress St. and Hobos in NH are not too far and put out solid work.

  11. That's great that you're helping him research and want him to get a good tattoo! I wish I had that support when I got tattooed at 18, then maybe I would have traveled or waited until I found the best shop.

    I'm sure people on here will recommend great artists/shops in that area. What type of style is he looking for?

    Also, 18 is usually the minimum age, so I doubt you will have trouble finding places that will accept him. I've rarely heard of shops that have older minimum ages.

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