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  1. Thank you! I actually didn’t have anything on it when I took those pictures. This is two weeks after the tattoo, I’ve read it’s normal for it to be shiny since it’s not fully healed, but if you’re saying to let it dry heal I will.
  2. Hi, I just got a new tattoo two weeks ago and have done the same after care routine as my other three tattoos. I use unscented soap to clean them and was using aquaphor as I did before which healed my past tattoos just fine.. but with this recent one I noticed I got little red bumps around the tattoo area and when I would search it up, it just said it was from putting too much aquaphor in which case I did. They were a bit itchy and just assumed it was from the peeling process of the tattoo. Since they weren’t in the actual tattoo I just let them go away on their own and they have gone away a bit, but started to notice they were inside the actual tattoo area. But I was told it was probably just having a mild allergic reaction and some cortisone could help so I applied it around it not on the actual tattoo since it was still early in the healing stage I just made sure to put unscented lotion on it in the meantime. But today it’s been exactly two weeks and noticed I have a raised kind of hard flaky bump. It doesn’t hurt when I press on it and it’s not itchy. I just want to know whether this has happened to anyone and what they did. I’m not sure what to put on it in the meantime but I know it’s not completely healed yet and want to make sure I’m still taking care of it or taking correct measures for it.. I added pictures but since it’s in black ink I can’t tell how it actually looks underneath it too good..not sure if you can notice it but it’s on the nose area of it and they literally just sprung up last night and sorry about the hairs I know it makes it difficult to see the little bumps but I don’t ever shave tattoo areas until they’re fully healed.
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