i hate romney, but i think he won. i was shocked with how well romney did in being articulate and sounding like he knew what he was talking about.
the douche bag was just tossing bullshit out of his ass to make himself sound great. obama kept calling him out on it, but romney did well in controlling the debate. he was stronging arming obama most of the time.
the scary thing to me is that people will listen to the bullshit that romney said and say "yeah. fuck obama. i don't want obama care telling me what treatments i need, or making me lose my insurance," which is clearly does not do, as obama specifically stated.
also, i find it fucking laughable that romney kept saying "i want to create jobs," but he made a point of mentioned that he will cut pbs if elected, as if pbs is some fucking evil, money sucking, blackhole, and consolidate government agencies.
i don't like either obama or romney, but obama is really the lesser of two evils. he has continued every horrible aspect of bush's foreign, defense (offensive) strategy, and surveillance, but has implemented some good domestic policies. however, romney wants to eliminate dodd-frank-as much as this act does, it still needs more added to it to curb wall street-he states he wants to get rid of obamacare, which is fucking the exact same thing as he created in Mass, has stated he'd want to curb women’s reproductive rights-while his running mate is a fucking nazi in this regard-and he also is vehemently against taxing the wealthy. Fuck this dude.
sorry for the long rant.