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Our Endless Days

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Our Endless Days last won the day on November 6 2013

Our Endless Days had the most liked content!

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    check out my Tumblr-http://ourendlessdays.tumblr.com and blog-http://ourendlessdays.wordpress.com

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  1. gfyyfj (Go Fuck Yourself You Fucking Jerkoff) can i make that into a thing?
  2. i've been reading the gunslinger series by stephen king. i'm on book 3. series is awesome.
  3. this looks cool
  4. @heathenist that tattoo straight up rules
  5. i really need to move back downstate :(
  6. haha seriously. what the hell is this?
  7. i'm not a fan of seeing a sleeve of japanese traditional and then an american traditional sleeve. just not my thing. i want everything to be cohesive for me, so i'm sticking with one style.
  8. got this hot momma a few weeks ago from eli quinters
  9. how is this even an internal debate after your tattoo became infected?
  10. heathenist knows what's up
  11. was just thinking about this. i totally rescind brad fink from that list.
  12. it all boils down to the every day normal person being dumber than dog shit
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