I have been doing alot of work to my right arm and I have come to the point where I've ran out of room for big tattoos, so it's time for some filler. I was hoping I could have some of you guys check out my pics and give me their opinion on what kind if filler and background to use.
The sun was my first tattoo, and since it doesn't go perfectly with the rest of the work on my arm, I need to come up with a background that will help it mesh nicely with the mostly traditional pieces I have added. I was thinking about purple clouds, along with purple fill behind the other tats, but I've notices that I dont always have the best ideas, so any comments would be appreciated.
I would also like to do more with the big blue rose, either more shading of more leaves or something, something is missing there.
Thanks in advance
imgur: the simple image sharer
imgur: the simple image sharer
imgur: the simple image sharer
imgur: the simple image sharer