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Posts posted by rads

  1. I work in an office, it's fairly relaxed. I don't have many tattoos, the visible ones are on my foot and wrist. I kept them covered up to start with but now I don't bother. Most people comment that they look nice, although I have seen one or two people take a double look and haven't said anything so I don't know if they were thinking nice things or not lol. I want to get more work done maybe something on my arm, I've decided that when I do it I won't ask them what they think as then it will look like i'm asking permission and i'm not doing that! If they say anything I will agree to cover them up and in the summer I will roll up in a jumper to keep them covered and just blast the air conditioning up in the office! Well that's my plan anyways!

  2. My first tattoo was a star on my wrist, I don't regret having it but I wish I'd known more about tattooing so I could have gone somewhere that could have given me a better tattoo, to make it worse I was so over excited with having one tattoo I went pretty much straight out and got another tattoo even worse than the first - it was so terrible I got it covered up asap, unfortunately it still looks crap lol! But lesson learnt, I look back and think yeah wasn't my best idea but I've got a fraction of a clue now and spend a lot more time attempting to improve my knowledge! I keep thinking about covering them up but It's a little reminder of the start of my love of tattooing, so maybe they can stay on my wrist forever?!

  3. When I met my husband I didn't have any tattoos, although it was always something that interested me. Before we got married I stared getting tattooed. He really does not like me having tattoos but it has now become a massive part of my life and it's hard to get him to understand how important it is to me. It's difficult because I can understand that if you do not like tattoos it really does change your outward appearence and I feel torn between pursuing my interest (i'd go so far as to say passion) or falling out with my husband. So far I have been gently pushing my limits and just gradually adding new additions over time, I am by no means heavily tattooed although I dread the day when he turns round and says enough is enough - I really don't think I could ever promise to not have any more tattoos, it would be heartbreaking. I am hoping that he is mellowing over time and gradually coming round to the idea that this is something I love.

    It's interesting to hear everyone else's ideas and thoughts on their relationships past and present. For me if a guy had tattoos it would be a plus but on the other hand my husband has no tattoos and I love him more than anything and could never imagine being with anyone else. I think the most important thing for me is the person on the inside. :)

  4. Don't let the stupid nickname put you off!

    I'm obsessed with tattooing and I can't wait to learn everything I can about it, heartbroken that I only realised my obsession at the ripe old of age of 28 - all those wasted years, I've got a lot of catching up to do :D


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