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Posts posted by rads

  1. Hey! Me and my brother are traveling over to London for the convention as well as some touristy stuff. I've got appointments with El Carlo, Deno and Jaclyn Réhe. I've been working far too much this summer, got to put the money some place ;)

    Would be nice with a LST meet up!

    Sounds great 3 appointments, you must have been working far too hard this summer! I'm not familiar with El Carlo and Deno - I'll have to look them up, jealous that you are getting tattooed by Jaclyn.

    definitely be good to meet up with some LST members, I'm sure there will be a few people going :)

  2. Hi, The London Tattoo Convention isn't too far away now, anyone going? or have anything booked with any of the artists there?

    I've got an appointment with Paul Dobleman on the Saturday and if I have enough spare money I might try and get a walk up too. Unfortunately My husband and I are in the process of trying to buy our first house - which is a good thing but so far it's been an expensive process and is seriously pitting a dent in bank account.

    Be good to hear from any other members thinking of going :-)

  3. I'm 100% useless with computers, so I'm sorry if I'm being a bit thick but I downloaded the first issue as a PDF on my MAC. It now looks like it can only be downloaded and viewed with an iPhone (too hard to read) or a Kindle. I think slayer9019 posted a link that enables you to read it through amazon but it started asking me scary questions about disc space etc - knowing my luck I'll crash the computer, so I didn't go any further. Has anyone got any suggestions?

  4. Hi,

    going all out with your first tattoo, sounds great!

    You should have a good look through the posts in the forum past and present, lots of great stuff to read :-)

  5. This tattoo was done on my boss Ross Ferrie by Pinky Yun in 1982. Ross always tells this story of getting this dragon along with many others of Pinky. Pinky basically dipped a toothipick in some black ink gave himself a few reference points and just started tattooing on his arm. Ross admits he wasn't so sure at the time but the end result turned out.

    The other photo is Ross and Pinky in 1982 and a painting our friend Ashley did for Ross shortly after Pinky's death. Note Ashley painted this while in New Zealand only from what he remembered it looking like.

    I haven't finished working my way through this thread yet, but I thought i'd have a look for any mentions of Pinky Yun. On my back from getting tattooed I got talking to a taxi driver and he said that he loved tattoos but had only ever gotten a few in his younger days.

    I'm sure he said that he was something to do with the army - searching the sewers for bombs. He said that whilst he had been in Hong Kong he had been tattooed by Pinky, a dagger I think he said. Whenever one of his team passes away the surviving members had something added to the tattoo - I apologised and said that I wasn't familiar with the name, but the tone of his voice when he told me his name made me think he must have been someone important, so it stuck in my head.

    A couple of months later I ordered the tattootime box set and in the first few pages Don Hardy mentions that he was a great and influential tattooer and they have an interview with Pinky (although I haven't got that far yet)

    I hope I bump in to him again so that I can tell him about tattoootime and the interview with Pinky. Wish I'd seen the tattoo too. If I ever manage to get a picture I'll post it here. I think he would love to see the interview, he seemed so excited to tell me about it.

  6. I just went through the buying process on bookmistress and the shipping shows as $69.65, bringing the total to nearly $120!

    Sometimes it's tough being a little Englander :/

    My bank account hasn't fully recovered from buying the Milton Zeis book yet and god dam Christmas and having to buy people presents. Half of me thinks I should wait until my funds recover the other half thinks I'm delaying the inevitable and I might as well buy it now!

  7. Just ordered the new Milton Zeis book, wahoo can't wait! Shipping to the UK is an estimated 2 - 7 weeks, argghh I can't wait 7 weeks!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just ordered the new Milton Zeis book, wahoo can't wait! Shipping to the UK is an estimated 2 - 7 weeks, argghh I can't wait 7 weeks!

  8. Not sure if Bio - Oil would be any good on your tattoo, my tattooist told me to use bepanthem - a nappy rash cream you can get from a supermarket or chemist. Peeling is part of the normal healing process but don't pick it off as the Tattoo could heal patchy. Just let it peel/flake off naturally.

  9. I've got a new tactic now, when it comes to booking a tattoo appointment and having to tell my other half. I start leaving tattoo magazines or books laying around the house where I know he will see them lol that way he knows something is coming at some point and it's not such a suprise when I eventually do tell him! I might start putting it on the calendar too like Coloured Guy too :D

  10. Hi,

    Does anybody know if the new Milton Zeis book, Tattooing as you like it will be made available in the UK? I've looked in to ordering it but the cost of the book and the shipping itself works out at £106 or $168. I know it's worth paying the cost rather than buying a couple of books that aren't that much good but to me it's still a lot of money to part with! So I thought I'd see if anyone had any ideas before I spend a fortune on shipping to find that it's available in the UK in a few months time!

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