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Everything posted by jacobhh

  1. Got this little guy from Dan Santoro, Bert Krak flash. Inside of the forearm 2-3 months healed.
  2. My Chad K Panther and Snake on the ankle (in the Panther's cheek you can see what can happen if you don't heal properly).
  3. Wow, just checked your images, those arms are amazing. Also really like how you are going with the carp motif all over. I love Rodrigo's work, I'm surprised his name doesn't get mentioned more often.
  4. I always love seeing the stuff you post, even if it's not the type of work I would get on myself. I think most of us here can at least appreciate good tattooing in all forms and nerd out on seeing people really dedicated to getting quality tattoos, regardless of style.
  5. The biggest problem here is people equating money and time. When Chad K covered the better part of my outer ankle with a panther and snake combo in less than 45 minutes...well let's just say I wasn't going to pay him 3/4ths of a standard hourly rate (nor would he have let me hahah).
  6. Getting my chest done by Capilli Tupou in September while he's guesting at Dan Smith's new shop. Beyond excited!
  7. Precisely...most of the good stuff is from LSTers anyways (like you). Regardless, I beg everyone to not mention LST on there!
  8. Not rolling my eyes at all, just saying that if these concepts had been done by a lesser artist they would perhaps be ethically questionable in my opinion. There is a certain responsibility and respect required when using and adapting certain source materials and these pieces push the envelope in terms of contemporary interpretation. But again, no beef with these at all.
  9. Here are two more of these that I can find readily on the internet... I would maybe roll my eyes at these if they weren't executed so fucking flawlessly. Really amazing tattoos. Facebook links, I hope that works.
  10. Honestly pain-wise my knee wasn't bad at all, really there aren't that many nerves on your kneecap. What irked me was feeling the needle constantly hitting bone and vibrating my skeleton, it's a weird sensation but not that painful compared to a lot of other spots. Behind the knee however...
  11. Hey can we see some pics of your left arm / other tattoos? I looked through your past posts and couldn't find anything. If I had to guess (and knowing you spent a lot of time with O'Donnell) I'd say that's a Hooper sleeve. I am gonna guess the girl and banner on the right is RH Wells, I feel like I have seen it before, not sure though. Obviously all your work looks fucking amazing!
  12. Saw this on IG had to share here... Stefan Johnsson
  13. A CALL FOR CONTENT! Hey guys not sure where exactly to post this, didn't want to make a whole thread, but I am wanting to make a zine type thing about Roy Boy, one of the weirdest most eccentric characters I have come across in my tattooing fandom. I have seen a lot of cool videos featuring the dude on Occult Vibrations @ShawnPorter (which is what inspired the project) but am looking for more photos of tattoos and flash. If any of you have any resources or leads...send me a PM. Thanks!
  14. Seriously, kind of seems like a next generation Smith Street type thing starting to take form.
  15. Not sure if this is even kosher but I just saw this on Reddit and had to share here. Dude got the same tattoo that his grandpa got in Pearl Harbor in '42. New one is by Daryl Rodriguez from Hold it Down in Virginia.
  16. You might just end up being the elusive "guy who has no shitty tattoos".
  17. Peony from Nathan Kostechko at Will Rise in LA. Based on a design from an Ichibay book (I think this one if anyone is interested, looked awesome). To be honest, though, I hope that El Monga cat wins...that thing is insane!
  18. Peony from Nathan Kostechko at Will Rise in Los Angeles. Photo from his instagram. Slightly modified from an Ichibay flash book.
  19. Had to spend my tattoo money on fixing my car :( ...hate it when tattoo plans get canceled! I'm saving to get in with Tomas Garcia soon, I saw a great piece from his book of line drawings on here recently, probably going to get something out of there.
  20. Jesus, dude that thing is sick! Are you doing b and g or color?
  21. Yep, you said it yourself. Call the shop and talk to someone if you are serious about it. This site (or the internet in general, if you ask me) is not the place to discuss pricing.
  22. This is another one of those, "there is no point in you winning this contest because why the fuck would you ever wear a shirt ever again" pieces.
  23. jacobhh

    New here

    Welcome. Let's see some pics! Of your stuff or your Dad's SJ stuff. Enjoy LST, there is very little bullshit here!
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