I was suppossed to become a professional jazz musician, instead I ended up a professional engineer with a gear problem:
Ricky 360
Les Paul Studio
Fender 68 reissue, rewired w/ Burns TriSonics and series switching
custom sunburst Squire 51 w/ lipstick pickups
'76 Ibanez Rocket Roll flying V
Rebuilt/re-wired P-Bass
guitar...Fender Super Reverb is my jam w/ a glass of juicy Orange Or-50
bass...70's Peavey 400W superfestival running into a 2x15 ampeg fridge and a 4x12 peavey black widow. Also have a Peavey 400W power amp which I slave off the superfestival and run 2x 4x10 columns with...BASTARD LOUD, i feel sorry for the new neighbours that just moved in!
Organs !!!
Hammond B-200
Leslie 147
100 year old upright Piano
just about everything on this list has paid it's dues on the road. no touring anymore, happy to stay home and play/record with my old musician buddies for shits n giggles
here's a pic of the 68 Strat and Squier 51 that I rebuilt and rewired...see that engineering degree did come in handy after all