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Everything posted by abees

  1. Finished my back with Alex Binnie a little over a year ago.. probably 7 sittings that were roughly 3hrs each. The second photo is George Bone tattooing me about a month after my back was finished. I'll post some proper, healed photos sometime.
  2. Very late reply..! But I'm glad you enjoyed it!
  3. Coming September 2016! More info will be posted on the paulsaycefilms Instagram page.
  4. Into You in London is closing after 23 years -
  5. Paul Sayce and I are working on two films at the moment. The Paul Sayce Interviews is Paul interviewing tattooers who predominantly started tattooing in the 1960's/70's (Dennis Cockell and Ed Hardy so far, with more to come.) Also we've filmed a part for a bonus/extra feature about Jock of Kings Cross. And another bonus/extra part with Duncan X talking about learning to tattoo from Dennis Cockell in the 1990's. The Paul Sayce Footage will be highlights from the hundreds of hours of footage Paul has taken throughout the last 30 or so years. Near enough none of which has been seen by the general public. For now I won't say what will likely be on it, but as we get further I'll post here and on Instagram - http://instagram.com/paulsaycefilms
  6. Third sitting a few days ago with Alex Binnie at Into You in London - http://instagram.com/p/49omsFvqzZ/
  7. Damn! Am I getting trolled on LST? I'm 6' 1". 6 hours (or thereabouts) isn't particularly outrageous for my entire back/backside, I would say.
  8. Second sitting with Alex Binnie at Into You. Mainly on my backside, but also lower back, and some further up. This sitting was probably about 3 hours of tattooing, bringing the total tattooing time for the two sittings to around 6-7 hours.
  9. I don't think I posted the lithograph I bought from Trevor/Ed at last year's London convention. But here it is - Nurse Mercy.
  10. Mine put her glasses on, asked if it said "mum", I said "yes", she slightly sighed and hasn't mentioned it since :D
  11. Mine. Healed/hairy. By Bert Krak, done at Frith Street.
  12. I started my back last Thursday with Alex Binnie at Into You in London. The snakes head, and the maple leaves were stencils, and the snakes body was drawn on. The outline will continue onto my backside, and will be done next time. The time tattooing was roughly between 3 1/2 - 4 hours.
  13. @Marwin3000 Tattooing The Invisible Man is my favourite, but the most expensive. It focuses on his life and works - 1955-99. Beyond Skin is about paintings, drawings, prints, flash, etc. And Wear Your Dreams is his memoir. All definitely worth getting.
  14. @chrisnoluck thanks for brining the thread back with style.
  15. Both by Chad Koeplinger.
  16. Have you had a look at the Stockholm InkBash line-up?
  17. Looks like Ed Hardy is going to be at the London convention again this year! http://instagram.com/p/050NHnivGU/
  18. Ben Krzykowski - http://instagram.com/ben_rt
  19. I'd rather everyone paid a few pence less to get in, and there wasn't any "entertainment" at conventions. But that might just be me.
  20. People of New York (and surrounding areas) may wish to check the most recent (at the time of posting) instagram photo of trevor_lee_ewald ------edit-------- Looking again, it's actually the second most recent post, to make things less complicated here it is - Instagram
  21. 4 roses, 3 women, 2 skulls, 2 animal heads.
  22. I've just had a dream for the second time. I'm going around London on a bus, going to the well known shops we all know of. Except they aren't in the same place, they look completely different, and none of the same people work there. So I then get back on the bus and go to another one, and the same thing happens. I remember another dream from ages ago, I think it was that I was booked in with someone who I've been tattooed by, at somewhere they work.. Except again it was a totally different city than the shop's actually in, and it looked different, etc.. Anyway, I showed up, said I had an appointment with said person, they said he wasn't there, but someone else would do it. I said "no thanks" but they forced me to get it, I can't remember what the tattoo was, but it seemed quite terrifying during the dream.
  23. Starting my back with Alex Binnie in May (snake and maple leaves, possibly with japanese calligraphy). My experience so far is speaking to him briefly about what I'd like (just before getting tattooed by Duncan), then going back a month later so he could draw a rough idea on my back, etc.
  24. I would agree with Into You. Specifically Tomas Tomas, by the sounds of it. Also Maxime at Sang Bleu. Curly at Lionel's in Oxford. Instagram - tomastomas108 curlytattoo mxmttt
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