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Posts posted by Ebm239

  1. Hard to tell with that pic on my phone,  but to me it just looks like light bruising.   I doubt it’s an infection as you would be able to feel a little warmth radiating from it as well as abnormal amount of itchiness.  Could even be just where the artist was trying to add some contrast.  I notice the same coloring on the cheek and the upper mandible    Just watch it to make sure it’s not an infection.  Otherwise enjoy it.   It’s a pretty clean piece IMO

  2. There are errors on all tattoos.  Yours looks great just remember the artist is drawing(tracing) on your skin.  the transfer could slide a little bit or if your arm is slightly twisted when the transfer is being placed.  If you can find any perfect straight lines or perfect symmetry on any tattoos let the rest of us know.    The key is getting a very detailed piece. The more details the harder it is to notice any imperfections with a very few exceptions.     Your tat looks great.  Don’t scrutinize it.   That’s a slap in the face to the artist.  Honestly I don’t even see what issues you are trying to point out.  

  3. My dad always told me if I got a tattoo he would kick me out of the house.   So on my 18th bday guess what I got myself.  Problem is I got it out of spite just to test my father, I walked in and just picked a random one out of a book. Now 15 years later I hate that tattoo.  Completely meaningless to me I don’t even like the design and I have no idea why I picked the one I did.  But in the end I did call my fathers bluff and stayed there another year.    But long story short.   Both of my parents hate tats as well.  

  4. Hey guys I have a question regarding getting a tattoo while taking clopidogrel 75mg.   I have an appointment next Wednesday to receive a half sleeve tattoo.  I am finding mixed messages online but I am looking for someone that has received ink while on clopidogrel or another blood thinner to get their experience and if they had any issues from the ink bleeding out or healing issues. 


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