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Posts posted by Rosebud91291

  1. On 5/21/2021 at 12:58 AM, soderpopzzz said:

    The tattoo I posted about recently has zero meaning and no significance to me whatsoever other than that it looks super cool and I am just as anxious about it healing wrong and would be so sad and upset also on a spiritual level, so I get where you’re coming from lol


    It's the worst isn't it?! I hope yours is doing better! 

  2. 2 hours ago, Hogrider said:

    just going to have to wait the normal 4-6 weeks to get an accurate outcome.  😉

    You know that the ink is UNDER the skin, right? Unless you scratched all the way down to the ink, you didn't hurt it. Put away the microscope, have a drink, relax, wait a month, then look at it again.

    @Hogrider Thank you, I know I still have awhile to wait, I just got concerned when it appeared as though the tattoo was scarring. I appreciate the advice. 

  3. 7 hours ago, SStu said:

    9 days in is just too early to say. 

    doesn't look infected. 

    it's not likely you did any damage with a simple light scratch. just going to have to wait the normal 4-6 weeks to get an accurate outcome. 

    @SStu One more follow-up question, does the area in question look scarred at all to you? That's my main concern. Thank you!

  4. @SStuThanks for the advice. I figured as much, I was just concerned because I feel I scratched it quite hard with my fingernails since I caused it to bleed. My fingernails aren't that long, but still, seeing the blood and bits of black under my fingernails the next day was disconcerting. 

  5. So I got a new tattoo about a week and a half ago. It looked great at first (first photo) but then, that night after I got it, I accidentally scratched it in my sleep in the space between the two eyes of the tattoo, causing it to bleed a bit. I immediately cleaned and moisturized it, but it began to scab. I've done my best not to disturb it as it scabbed and healed, although sometimes the scabs would come off when I washed it in the shower, etc. Now, however, it looks very messed up and pitted in that same space between the two eyes (second photo). It also looks very faded and milky and the black outline along the inner corner of the left eye seems to have disappeared completely! I'm very concerned that I have may have accidentally ruined it. Does this look like a normal part of the healing process or is the tattoo scarred or otherwise permanently damaged? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.



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