So I got a new tattoo about a week and a half ago. It looked great at first (first photo) but then, that night after I got it, I accidentally scratched it in my sleep in the space between the two eyes of the tattoo, causing it to bleed a bit. I immediately cleaned and moisturized it, but it began to scab. I've done my best not to disturb it as it scabbed and healed, although sometimes the scabs would come off when I washed it in the shower, etc. Now, however, it looks very messed up and pitted in that same space between the two eyes (second photo). It also looks very faded and milky and the black outline along the inner corner of the left eye seems to have disappeared completely! I'm very concerned that I have may have accidentally ruined it. Does this look like a normal part of the healing process or is the tattoo scarred or otherwise permanently damaged? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.