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Posts posted by hannahlsj

  1. 1 hour ago, oboogie said:

    Those products aren't necessary. I have dry skin, too, but I dry heal. I don't find my dry skin has any impact on healing my tattoos. To each her own!

    I’m currently schooling so I don’t wanna risk my clothes getting sticked to the plasma from the tattoo while in class 😞 Will perhaps try dry healing for my second tattoo if it’s a small-medium sized one to see how it goes!

  2. 7 minutes ago, onlyme said:

    hannahlsj: Well, like you say, if you have to pre-order supplies via Amazon, etc., it shows just how much advance planning you guys must have to do, if the some of the products are not readily available.

    Of course, in some countries' cultures it's more of a man thing to do and maybe your mom's reaction is something to do with this; although it's widely known that in North America now 60%-70% of clients of tattoo parlors are female.

    Precisely, it is such a hassle to order and wait for the necessary aftercare items sigh 😞. Hopefully one day in the near future, some of these reputable brands will officially distribute their aftercare products in Singapore and other Asian countries. 


    12 minutes ago, onlyme said:

    hannahlsj: Glad you are doing okay; yes, humidity must be a factor with you guys in Singapore; I hadn't thought of that (it would be also at time in places like Florida, where there are many tattoo businesses; Miami Ink is a v. well known TV show).


    Yeah the humidity is annoying, I have to switch on two fans before I head to bed because aircon will dry out my skin too much. Oh ya I’ve heard about the Miami Ink tv show, they have closed down their shop and moved to different studios 


    6 minutes ago, onlyme said:

    @hannahlsj PS: It does often happen that, when moms realize just how much determination went into the inking that they get thoroughly accustomed to it, and even smile about it to others; on this site, various other posters have said similarly.

    True, my friend’s mum also had the same reaction as my mum did when she found out about her daughter’s tattoo, after a period of time she just stop scolding my friend hahah I guess it takes time for the parents to get used to it (due to the stigma with tattoos)

  3. 8 hours ago, onlyme said:

    Hi hannahlsj, so how is the healing doing now?

    I think you guys in Singapore are the other end of the clock from North America, right?

    Part of the hazard of getting prompt replies to your question from the other side of the globe,  I guess...

     I managed to apply the Tegaderm over my tattoo after I showered this morning, there’s minimal plasma buildup underneath the ‘film so I guess it’s healing smoothly as of now

    Yeah agree, different time zone means I can’t check the replies promptly 🤣

    2 hours ago, pidjones said:

    Hannah, every artist has their own post-tattoo method. Yours sounds much like mine - bandage for about half-hour, wash, pat dry, keep it clean, leave it alone. Apply non-sented moisturizer lightly when it gets dry/starts to peel. But some use the derms, some use cling wrap. My artist's method has done very well for me.

    Hi pidjones! 
    Yeah I roughly figured out that my tattoo artist is into the old school dry healing method. I personally have dry skin which is why I bought the film to try as I wanna minimise the chances of getting scabs/flakes, and also the weather in my country is horribly humid 🥺

    I ordered the after inked moisturiser on Amazon and luckily it arrived today, just in time for me to apply in a few days time after I removed the film 

  4. 11 hours ago, onlyme said:

    Hi, hannahlsj, so are the many tattoo supplies that you read of from North America on the Web readily available in Singapore? (like you speak as if some are not, maybe; and is getting tattooed as popular in Singapore as it is now in, say, North America, do you think?)

    The healing stage does of course need to be thought through before the inking.

    Hi onlyme!
    Unfortunately most of the tattoo supplies, especially aftercare products like those renowned brands frequently mentioned by y’all (hustle butter, tattoo goo, balm tattoo, after inked etc.) aren’t readily available at the local pharmacies or drugstores. I have to preorder via international Amazon.
    The only thing I manage to find is the 3M Tegaderm and Smith & Nephew Opsite Flexifix. 
    Honestly speaking, having visible tattoos in Singapore isn’t as well accepted as in USA due to typical Asian parents being strict, my mum is still nagging at me for getting a tattoo🥲. 

  5. Hey guys! 😊 I’m a newbie here and just gotten my first tattoo on my right upper thigh yesterday afternoon (I’m from Singapore so the tattoo was completed on 25/01 Monday, at around 5.30pm).

    I just found out about the existence of saniderm/tegaderm upon chancing this website on Google. After the completion of my coloured tattoo, the tattoo artist didn’t put any cling wrap (saran wrap) on it.

    I had already washed my tattoo with an antibacterial soap and pat dried it with paper towels. Do I apply the Tegaderm on my tattoo right now? Or should I put on cling wrap and wait till the 24th hour mark to apply the Tegaderm? 

    Would appreciate it if you guys could give me some advices for this!! 🥺 

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