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Everything posted by DirtyLuck

  1. fk irons xions are my go to machines, have been using them for months now. I have found no cons with them at all honestly, they have proven to be serious work horses. They handle cold sterilization beautifully, no dulling for harming of the finish has been noticed. I also keep them in a u.v. cabinet when not in use with no adverse effects noticed. I run mine off a critical atom power supply and they have never missed a beat. Once you get them set up to your liking, just grab and go, very consistent.
  2. The only thing we will allow in our shop is ibuprofin or tylenol. If you come in inebriated, you will be asked to leave. Zero tolerance for it in our spot. People made stupid decisions sober, much less while f**ked up, also they tend to get super mouthy, wont sit still, bleed out quicker/more, and generally get on your nerves...
  3. Hey everyone, just saying hello. I'm about to finish up my apprenticeship and thought I would join here to further my education and meet other artists.
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