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Maynard last won the day on November 13 2022

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  1. That’s a really nice tattoo OP
  2. Looks really good. Also it’s just a tattoo. Don’t expect too much from it. I’d be happy if I had that piece.
  3. Sorry I don’t see any blowout and the tattoo looks perfect. I really like it. Start planning for your next one.
  4. Yeah man nothing is really permanent. Glad to see you got two amazing pieces that flow well together. Your artist is talented.
  5. They lighten up bc a layer of skin grows over it. U can make them pop more with some hustle butter.
  6. i really love this tattoo. congrats and enjoy!
  7. the blowout should fade a bit but will still be noticeable. i have some minor blowout but nothing major. some people stated that laser removal can fix some blowout but i have never seen a legit post of after pics from someone
  8. was the blowout noticeable at time of the tattoo or much later?
  9. Congrats on both! Tattoo looks amazing
  10. sleeve looking great jdub! saw that tiger on br’s insta!
  11. get more! looks good. sleeve next?
  12. Wow that came out amazing! I want st by BR next time he’s down in SoCal. Ur stoked!
  13. Saniderm: Also peel that stuff off slow slow slow in the shower. I tore a gash of skin off with it and now have a scar. Tattoo healed amazing with it. Colors super vibrant. next time I would use sanibalm on it first before applying. Can’t wait to see what u get
  14. Some ppl are just clueless. It looks amazing.
  15. tylenol might be a good option since it can cut down the swelling and won't thin ur blood? Curious about ibuprofin too and also what the artist would rec
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