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Posts posted by Tsuru

  1. 21 hours ago, constantcreature said:

    Oh man, I totally relate to this. I get so nervous before every session, just hoping I can sit well and that my mind cooperates. I've found it makes a huge a difference if I'm stressed out about other things... I really need to be in a good state of mind or it's just miserable and exhausting, without the high at the end.

    Can't wait to see updates on this piece. It looks awesome!

    Anyone who says they don’t get a bit nervous before sitting to do a session on a full back is…. full of it 😂 well done, yours looks great. It’s worth it all for the finished product 

  2. 11 hours ago, garrettv said:

    Hey all, 

    Know this thread has been a little sleepy as of late, but just writing to say how much it helped me prep for my first session with Tony Hundahl on my back. Had it a few days ago and I definitely psyched myself out. I traveled from Chicago to Austin so had plenty of time to let my nerves get the best of me. I went in preparing for the worst, and while it was definitely rough, the tips and techniques mentioned in this thread helped immensely. 

    All in all, it was a wild experience unlike any other tattoo I've gotten. Sat for roughly 3 hours and he was able to get the whole outline done. The craziest part for me was that you never really "get used to it" like many other tattoos I've gotten. Every line feels like the first. But in doing so, your mind goes to some crazy places to help get you through it. The "stoke" definitely pulled me through. I finished the session with an incredible high and feeling of confidence that I really wasn't expecting. Such an incredible experience. 

    Anyways, going back in a month to start on the shading, and then hopefully booking a few back to back sessions to really get the ball rolling. Can't (but totally can) wait.


    PS: Tony Hundahl is the man. Can't recommend the dude highly enough. Since I'm traveling, he wasn't able to trace my back, but he still managed to have a stencil that ended up fitting perfectly. Definitely feel like I'm in good hands.


    Oh yeah I forgot about this thread! Glad to hear it helped. Great start. 

  3. On 1/28/2021 at 3:25 AM, piccalilli said:

    Several hundred hours in to my thighs arse back chest and upper arms...
    I'd have no compunction to get everything finished with zero pain if there was a way to do it. I don't care about that being part  of the experience, I am done with the stabbing and burning.



    Totally, know this feeling 😂👍🏻

  4. 7 minutes ago, onlyme said:

    Hi @TsuruSo are you taking a break from inking, for a while now?

    I’m due in for another sit with  Matt Collins soon but here’s some older snaps of where it is at now, maybe 22 ish hours in? I think it might need another 8 to go? The cranes will need white and then we have to add the red to their heads and the maple leaves, and then tackle the omamori. Phew.




  5. On 1/27/2021 at 11:21 PM, FXRrich said:

    I believe a few of you mentioned involuntary movements when tattooing the butt and i experienced crazy spasms in my left cheek


    I haven’t dug as much through the whole forum, so it has probably come up before, but have you thought about taking a little bit of magnesium supplement? Good for muscle cramps and reducing twitches.  

    But then again.... there are just some spots I found, especially over the spine where the tattooer hits it and your whole leg suddenly gets these weird involuntary nerve vibrations and twitches 😂 ain’t nothin gonna save you from that 


  6. 54 minutes ago, Dan said:

    very nice ! that's the best "go big or go home" I have ever seen.


    It's definitely something to feel proud of, but some days you do just wanna go home 😂 other sessions are more manageable. I think you pretty much have to mentally hear that death march in your head when you walk in, and expect it to be the worst pain ever and then it wont be so bad. You can't ever approach a session feeling good about it, cause you will get your arse handed to you ha ha.

  7. 12 hours ago, SStu said:

    That's super! Great contrast. 

    Love the commitment, too. 

    Thanks mate.
    It is a mind game to push through some of the really hard spots (back of ribs, base of spine etc) but the pay off is worth it in the end.
    I reckon I should take out shares in second skin, the amount we’ve used in healing this 😂 I always do a first layer straight away, then within 24 hours after the initial plasma gunk leaks I take off the second skin, wash with antibacterial soap then dry and put on another second skin and leave it for about 4 days ish. Always had nice healing doing it that way. 

  8. Hey guys,

    Reviving the full back piece experience thread.

    So I had never been tattooed before and last year I decided to dive in for my first one and begin my traditional Japanese full back, (cause if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing properly right 😂) The tattooer is Matt Collins at Unseen in Adelaide. I know I don’t have anything to compare it to, but having read this thread I know what you all say about full backs is 100% true, it is damn hard work.

    We’ve just completed all of the background and that last session shading in rocks over the tailbone was definitely brutal. About 20 ish hours in I think. I love the finished product though, and can’t wait to see the cranes and leaves once we get into those, mostly black and grey with some red on leaves and cranes heads, haven’t decided on the omamori design yet.



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