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  1. Hi! I am a student in college studying anthropology right now, and I am in the middle of putting together an online ethnography, which is basically a project based on analyzing interactions within certain groups of people online. Me and my group have chosen to analyze interactions between tattoo artists specifically online. Our goal is to find new information about what kinds of topics tattoo artists are interested in and if there are any other subgroups of tattoo artists such as feminist artists and artists that specialize in certain styles of tattooing. As well as any other cool things we find out! Would anyone be able to help steer me into the right direction for what I'm looking for? For example, refer me to other sites I can look at or specific people I could talk to that are interested in my project. On a side note I am excited for my new tattoo I'm getting this Saturday it will be cocoa and vanilla plants combined in a bouquet on my shoulder!! I will post a picture of it here. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and getting help, thanks! If anyone is interested in contacting me directly my email address is ameliajones687@gmail.com Amelia
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