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Stacey V.

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Everything posted by Stacey V.

  1. I was excited to join this forum, excited for my new TAT and sad that it could be a little ruined in anyway, instead of actual insight (which I still don't really have btw), I get attitude. So yeah, I'm a real delight right now🙄
  2. So just to be clear, you also have no experience with an over moisturized TAT or TATTT scars?
  3. I'm newbie to LST, over moisturized tats and scarring, not a newbie to tats in general or the internet. I've done research, with redundant results. The question itself seems reduntant, but the solution might not be. Tats aren't a "one size fits all", that is why we ask🙂
  4. If you can't share your insight and/or experience on over moisturized tats or scars why even comment?
  5. Fortunately no sign of infection, only impatience haha. The same impatience that me rather opt to sit for 7 hrs to get the piece done instead of waiting to do it in stages. I'm team dry healing so don't really believe I've over moisturized, once a day max and that was only because it got really dry and tight. I'll cut it out though and see how it goes👍
  6. Hi ink lovers! Newbie to LST needing your insights. I have several pieces, all healed beautifully with no issues, my latest piece though (2 + weeks into healing) is doing my head in🤯 This Jezebel has a will of her own! Across her face, I'm not sure if it's over moisturized, scarring or paranoia. I know it's early days, touch ups are a thing and I'll only know for sure once it's fully healed, but would be great of you could share if you've had a similar experience. I'm reeeeeeeeally not looking forward to inking over scar tissue😫
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