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Matty Stevens

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Posts posted by Matty Stevens

  1. I am looking to get my first tattoo. A big colorful chrysanthemum on my shoulder.

    Looking through tons of tattoos I don't feel really drawn to almost any of them except a handful. Here are two of the ones I like and I'm trying to understand what kind of style they are so I can find an artist who can do what I'm wanting. I know that traditional style is too vivid for me and contrasts too starkly with the skin for my tastes. I'd appreciate any of your help!


  2. I am wanting a colorful big lotus on my shoulder (will be my first tattoo), and am finding artists that I like although their work is almost all in black. Is an artist who is talented in black not necessarily skilled with color?


    Also, I am in Colorado and would definitely appreciate artist recommendations 

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