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Posts posted by Kate

  1. Thanks for the great input, everyone. I really appreciate you all taking the time to give me some advice. 
    I will keep searching for the right artist, and I won’t try to rush the process or find a quick fix. 

    If anyone has a blackout tattoo like Sstu was referring to, please share a picture!! 

  2. I got this tattoo about three years ago. It was done in a professional shop, but the artist was really inexperienced. I’m unhappy with certain aspects of it (for obvious reasons) but I’m hesitant to get laser removal because of my relatively low tolerance for pain and the pre-existing scar tissue that’s under the tattoo.

    My hope is to find an artist willing to work on it without laser removal, which has proved hard thus far. Ultimately, I’d like to grow the tattoo into a unified sleeve. 
    My expectations are low in terms of how the existing ink can be changed,  I’m just hoping there’s some kinda improvements I can make to this tattoo before I begin expanding the sleeve. 

    I guess I have two questions.. 

    1. Can white be added successfully over the black sky (for stars) and over the yellow moon reflection in the water (to make it white)? 
    2. Could color be added over any of the red/purple mountains to make it look like black sky? 

    I’m shy which is why I’m asking for online advice instead of approaching more tattoo artists in person. Thanks for any input or advice you can offer. 


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