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Posts posted by mac518

  1. Hi All,

    I got a collarbone script tattoo one month ago. It's mostly healed and has a little bit of blowout which I'm okay with. I've just noticed that when I sleep, my arm is raised up, and the collarbone tattoo smushes and creases naturally into the folds of my skin. Is it okay to sleep like this at this point? Will this effect it long term if I sleep like this from this point forward?

  2. Hi All,

    I've seen a bunch of posts on here for "is my tattoo blowing out?" However, I haven't been able to find anything about blowout either spreading or staying put, once it blows. 

    I have two full sleeves that never had any problems. A month ago, I got some smaller script below the collarbone that healed with some minor blowout. Not the halo or bruise type of blowout, but more the classic type of blowout: little blurred/streaky bits on/behind the lines. 

    I'm wondering, does the blowout just happen, then settle and heal in the same way the regular line settles and heals, or does/can the blowout "keep blowing out" over a period of time? I'm essentially asking if I'll need to keep worrying about the blowout getting worse beyond the normal healing window and the normal aging process. 





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