Hi everyone my name is Ben. It wont let me post this question to the AFter Care section. So I'm posting it to the only place it will let me post it, the initiation thread. I just have an aftercare question and would REALLY appreciate some insights from the experts on this forum. So here goes ...
Ok, so let me start by saying, I am incredibly sorry that I did this. I did not mean to spread my germs to others. I got a tattoo exactly one week ago and it was mostly done healing (a few small scabs and peeling). So, my artist didn't tell me not to go swimming. I guess she just thought I knew. SO I went swimming laps at the YMCA indoor public pool. After I got out, a guy saw my new tattoo and mentioned to me that I shouldn't be swimming with that cos it could cause infection. So, I googled it. And found a lot of horrifying stuff. I also had a small open scab that I had accidentally scratched the night before. I immediately went home and washed everything with antibacterial soap. I put H2Ocean on the tattoo and Bacitracin on the open scab. So now I'm wondering, am I like, totally screwed? I'm all worried about flesh eating bacteria and infection. The open scab is still really itchy, but doesn't look infected at all. Any advice on how to handle this, other than NEVER doing this again would be greatly appreciated. Again, I am very apologetic for spreading my germs. The thought never occured to me to not do this and now that I know, I NEVER will do anything like this again. Thanks!