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Everything posted by wulfbaron

  1. My name is Charlie I tattoo in the UK, been going for a couple of years now, so relatively new to the tattoo scene with still so much to learn. Not judgemental, just here for a good time and to see whats going on out there/possibly meet some new people! Looking to travel a bit towards the end of this year/start of next year. I use instagram at the moment for a lot of my work (username: wulfbaron), or if you don't have that: https://www.behance.net/wulfbaron Cheers!
  2. wulfbaron

    black bird

    linework healed dotwork fresh
  3. Artistically I get no criticisms from my mentor, I've had a couple of tattoo tips which have helped, just like "hold it like this" and "check your machine's running right" which is my main reason for searching it out elsewhere. Because my apprenticeship means a lot to me and I want to do it right. Thanks dude I totally get what you mean, the green one was more of a colour test but I get what you mean, sometimes I get a bit carried away so I should always keep that in mind. No job is below me at work. I do what needs to be done, I don't so much get time to draw there either so that's saved for home time a lot of the time. Although I am finding being harsh on myself helps my improve and I'm always thinking about drawings I haven't been happy with and for what reasons/what I can do better next time. I will have a proper search through in a bit on here and see what there is to offer, thanks for your input, helped a lot!
  4. it's an easy username though cause it's never taken.Saves time. thanks
  5. Hi all, My names Charlie, I'm an apprentice from Southampton in England. Finding out so many new things everyday about what I do and the people around me. Have found out already the reasons it's made so hard to get into this scene and have realised the magnitude of people that are constantly trying to do so just because they have drawn a rose design off the internet. I try my hardest with what I have and want to bring a good attitude with me to the tattoo world. I go by an alias for my artwork (wulfbaron), yes it seems silly but I like it and it makes things easier, so eat a big one :) introduce your selves and what not
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