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Amit Levy

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    Amit Levy reacted to VenomX in How Much Would This Cost ?   
    Thanks dude. My current guy knows someone who does " Black and Grey " styles.
    After my next tattoo, i'll go and discuss it with him.
    I'm starting off small for now and may get a bigger one in a few months. Next one will be my star-sign.
  2. Thanks
    Amit Levy got a reaction from VenomX in How Much Would This Cost ?   
    You should look for an artist who specializes in black and grey photorealism and go through his works on social medias (you should also look for long time healed works of his). Once you have found one that you are satisfied enough with, go ahead and contact him. 
    That's up to you and your budget but I would look even in other countries than your in order to find the best artist for a serious project.
  3. Haha
    Amit Levy reacted to JAC1961 in How Much Would This Cost ?   
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    Amit Levy reacted to Hogrider in How Much Would This Cost ?   
  5. Thanks
    Amit Levy got a reaction from VenomX in How Much Would This Cost ?   
    First of all don't copy but find a good artist you trust and let him make a unique design for you out of your vision.
    About the price, anyways from 150-6000$ depends on size and mostly who is the artist. For example take a look at Mumia's Instagram page. He is one of artists could do it perfectly but most likely it will cost you 3000+$
  6. Thanks
    Amit Levy got a reaction from VenomX in Stray Line In Tattoo ( Advice Needed )   
    Congratulations on the new tattoo, looks cool and most important thing is that you are happy with it.
    First of all you totally are being perfectionist.
    Secondly, you got to wait at least 4-6 weeks before you know for sure how it's gonna look eventually.
    So conclusion, let it fully heal and only then go back to your artist hear what he says about it. Most likely it would be best leaving it as is.
  7. Haha
    Amit Levy reacted to gtrjunior in Can I cover these up easily?   
    Yeah, there is an ignore button. Maybe the internet is too tough for YOU.
  8. Like
    Amit Levy reacted to gtrjunior in Can I cover these up easily?   
    I simply stated my opinion. You’re free to disagree all you want. Maybe if you can’t work with what is there, you’re not a very good artist.
    And though you’re trying to be crass by calling me a “chick”, I am in fact a man. Don’t get tough from behind your keyboard, pal.
  9. Like
    Amit Levy reacted to gtrjunior in Can I cover these up easily?   
    Also...to address the question of walking in with a pic.
    For an entire sleeve like you want it’s unrealistic to think that somebody could perfectly recreate a picture you found online.
    You’re best bet is to talk to the artist and let them come up with a unique design that will be all yours!
  10. Like
    Amit Levy reacted to gtrjunior in Can I cover these up easily?   
    I have a half sleeve on my right arm and I’m currently working on a full sleeve on my right.
    Every step of the way we have discussed what we are going to have in the design. The artist draws it on my skin with a sharpie and then I check it out in the mirror.
    I have input the whole time. But, you’ve got to trust the artist to do his/her thing. They are the professional and it’s what they do for a living.
    Despite other’s opinions I think you can definitely get a killer sleeve in the desired style. Just be open to ideas. The current tats you have may present limitations but I certainly don’t think you need to have them lasered.
  11. Like
    Amit Levy reacted to gtrjunior in Can I cover these up easily?   
    I understand perfectly. His current tats are so small and light that any good artist in the style should have no problem incorporating them into a sleeve.

    And by the way....this is a discussion forum. If you want to disagree with me that’s your prerogative. What we don’t need is your cocky “Umm’s” and capitol emphasis words. That’s just being a jerk, unnecessarily.
  12. Like
    Amit Levy reacted to gtrjunior in Can I cover these up easily?   
    Well you sort of made my point for me.
    Had this been a big black panther that he wanted to cover then there’s no way.
    But because they are light, small geometric shapes a good artist in this style could easily incorporate what is already there into a design that would work I the style the op wants to go with.
  13. Like
    Amit Levy reacted to gtrjunior in Can I cover these up easily?   
    See, I respectfully disagree.
    Again, I’m not an artist but those tats are small and not heavily colored and dark.
    A good coverup doesn’t necessarily have to actually “cover” it. It may incorporate what is already there and make it part of the new piece.
    I’m not seeing anything there that a good artist can’t work wonders with.
  14. Haha
    Amit Levy reacted to gtrjunior in How do I post?   

    I’m psychic.

    The answer to your question is:

    “Your tattoo needs 4-6 weeks to heal. “

    But the vast majority of first time posters ask:

    “I had a tattoo done a week ago. Why does my tattoo look like....

    Is something wrong with it?”
  15. Like
    Amit Levy got a reaction from gtrjunior in Filler   
    Personally I think adding Japanese tattoos to it wouldn't combine well. I would definitely stay with old-school for the whole sleeve.
    I think you best add as many individual small old-school tattoos to it, up until there is almost no blank space. Just tight them all together.
    Find a good old-school specialist tattoo artist that you can trust and let him play with the blank areas.
    I would also recommend you take a look at some old-school sleeves just so you see what I mean (many of them have no backround) and create a vision of your own.
  16. Like
    Amit Levy got a reaction from ConstandinMst in Filler   
    Personally I think adding Japanese tattoos to it wouldn't combine well. I would definitely stay with old-school for the whole sleeve.
    I think you best add as many individual small old-school tattoos to it, up until there is almost no blank space. Just tight them all together.
    Find a good old-school specialist tattoo artist that you can trust and let him play with the blank areas.
    I would also recommend you take a look at some old-school sleeves just so you see what I mean (many of them have no backround) and create a vision of your own.
  17. Like
    Amit Levy got a reaction from Steve in How do I post?   
    Welcome to the family of LST!
    You can't write in other topic than Initiation up until you have written at least 10 contents.
    Go ahead and ask your question in here, it doesn't matter that much which topic you have chosen.
  18. Like
    Amit Levy got a reaction from scottyg in Filler   
    Personally I think adding Japanese tattoos to it wouldn't combine well. I would definitely stay with old-school for the whole sleeve.
    I think you best add as many individual small old-school tattoos to it, up until there is almost no blank space. Just tight them all together.
    Find a good old-school specialist tattoo artist that you can trust and let him play with the blank areas.
    I would also recommend you take a look at some old-school sleeves just so you see what I mean (many of them have no backround) and create a vision of your own.
  19. Thanks
    Amit Levy got a reaction from VenomX in Bug Bites and Tattoos ?   
    Basically you don't have to but it would be better waiting a little bit if they are really irritating.
    Send a photo of your forearm, just in case.
  20. Like
    Amit Levy got a reaction from karatefoxes in The " Perfect " Tattoo   
    It's without any doubt a wrong way looking at your art.
    You won't ever be able to enjoy your tattoos if you always search for every single dot that could have done better.
    You gotta look at the big picture, there is no such thing as a perfectly done tattoo. The perfection is in the imperfection, your tattoos are perfect because they are yours and yours only.
  21. Like
    Amit Levy got a reaction from Princess Sparkle Mittens in The " Perfect " Tattoo   
    It's without any doubt a wrong way looking at your art.
    You won't ever be able to enjoy your tattoos if you always search for every single dot that could have done better.
    You gotta look at the big picture, there is no such thing as a perfectly done tattoo. The perfection is in the imperfection, your tattoos are perfect because they are yours and yours only.
  22. Like
    Amit Levy got a reaction from gtrjunior in The " Perfect " Tattoo   
    It's without any doubt a wrong way looking at your art.
    You won't ever be able to enjoy your tattoos if you always search for every single dot that could have done better.
    You gotta look at the big picture, there is no such thing as a perfectly done tattoo. The perfection is in the imperfection, your tattoos are perfect because they are yours and yours only.
  23. Thanks
    Amit Levy got a reaction from VenomX in How Often To Clean New Tattoo ?   
    I wash mine 5-6 times a day until few days after the scabbing ends and put hustle butter 2-3 times a day (waking up, afternoon and after bath before going to bed) a thin layer just enough so it won't dry.
  24. Like
    Amit Levy reacted to SirBeatz in Japanese sleeve proggress (need tips)   
    Thank you all for your replies! For a little bit of an explanation for my tattoos the knife piercing the skull with the hannya mask, it doesnt matter where is your position in the world ceo,policeman,constructer,lawyer,farmer etc.. we  are all flesh and bone beneath the mask we are wearing walking to the same end awaiting us. The dragon represents wisdom,strenght and wealth and the courage not to fear walking alone. Downside of my country there are not too many if any tattoo artists specializing in japanese culture tattoos. I decided to fill the spot with koi fish combined with a crysanthemum ill post a pic bellow with the direction im going.

  25. Like
    Amit Levy got a reaction from SirBeatz in Japanese sleeve proggress (need tips)   
    Nice one bro.
    Take some time thinking with yourself about ideas,stories and meaningful things in your life, then try and imagine and vision of all those together. 
    I would definitely continue with the same style, but without the meaningful picture coming from you and you only I believe that's nothing more than a picture, and that's not what are tattoos. Atleast not for me .
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