@ActionJackson You're really going to have to wait at least a month to see how it's really going to look. Appears a bit muddy right now but that could clear up with full healing.
It wouldn't stop me.
I'd suspect that not all red inks are manufactured the same way, either. If you want more red, have the artist use what he stocks to draw a simple hidden line on your skin somewhere a couple of weeks prior to the actual session and see what it does!
@FXRrich While I'm not a traditionalist here, there certainly are a few - and I totally and emphatically respect what the good ones are doing. Congrats on your Chambers sleeve and really looking forward to see what you get from Lagergren. Both awesome artists.
Well, with respect to semantics - you can HIDE a blowout, but you can't remove it. If the design allows for it, a blowout can be covered with shading, or coloring, etc.