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Everything posted by Meaghabite

  1. So this is what I was thinking as far as the future of the tattoo. Whatcha think? Not this exactly but this is just the colors and sort of design I think I could put inside with the white.
  2. The artist said that it wasnt done yet but I'm honestly worried to add anything else to it. I brought in a template that I wanted to use but it wouldn't fit with my previous tattoo. (I will include before and after photos). As far as going behind the tattoo, I had the same thoughts as you do. How do you go BEHIND it? It is peeling now. She says that she has seen white put on black tattoos a million times. Will that work?
  3. The artist that did this told me that the plan was to go behind this with white and put color around it. Will this work?
  4. Can anyone complete this design? I need some ideas. This was a coverup that went wrong. Any ideas on where to go with this tattoo? I am okay with color and love the watercolor designs.
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