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Posts posted by duckgoosed

  1. You lost me. 

    Let me get this straight. What you're saying is that in a few years, my tattoo will not look like a typewriter any longer. I won't even be able to see the keys? or anything? It's all going to blend and be one black image on my arm. With nothing else? 

  2. I posted this tattoo in reddit. And got people telling me its just going to turn in to a black blob.... I know this particular tattoo might not age well but its still going to look like a typewriter no? 

    Stressing out as i just got this done a few days ago. Artist didn't express any concern with the aging of this tattoo. 

    I could only post in this forum section. I'm not sure why. Maybe because i have to post here before i can post anywhere else? 


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