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  1. Yea so I haven’t lotioned it the past day. This is day 12? Not sure what’s up. No heat coming off it that I can tell. Sigh 😞
  2. Hey everyone. First post! I recently got my 10th tattoo. It’s right below my knee on the back of my calf. Today, 2-19-19 is day 10. As you can see the tail is healing really rough. It stared getting scabbed up on day 3. I’m doing what I’ve always done- wash 2-3 x a day. Then lotion with aveeno after. I’m worried it may be infected. It’s itchig/ kind of hurts which is probably normal but that redness is worrisome. What do you guys think? Any advice is appreciated. The last pic is what it looked like on Thursday (day 4)
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