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Posts posted by AgitProp

  1. I use coconut oil for moistuzing all year long. Get the refined kind if scent is an issue. When my skin is —really— dry I use Palmers Cocoa Butter. It has a distinct cocoa scent, though, so that may not be an option for you. However, it’s one of the few lotions that doesn’t make my skin itch or burn AND it’s cheap. Edited to add: I am fairly certain that I’m allergic to lanolin, which is what’s causing the itching and burning mentioned above. I also get a remarkable red rash from wool socks! 

  2. @Surface sorry for the long delay! I felt GREAT the day after and have been so happy with it since. I wasn’t too nervous the days leading up to getting it, it was the “day of” that was really bad. I also realized that a big part of my anxiety was just not knowing what was going to happen AND worrying about healing...like what if I didn’t do the aftercare right and it got messed up? But, it healed really well, and now I know what to expect next time. In general my anxiety goes way down after I do something for the first time,  because I know what to expect. 

    I think the next big hurdle for me, mentally, is going to be the transition from stuff that’s easily hidden to more visible things. I definitely want more ink, but in all honesty? My parents are really old and I’m worried it will actually kill them. (I still haven’t told them I got my motorcycle license.) Tattoos aren’t a problem at all in my workplaces, it’s really just my parents I worry about. 

    One more thing to consider — so I’ve got GAD and also depression. I’ve been through some pretty bad times with it, but most folks tell me I seem “really normal.” So in some ways I feel like tattoos (and my body piercings) are marks that I’ve survived this thing that’s invisible to so many people. I’ve met other folks who use their tattoos the same way — a reminder to themselves of what they’ve accomplished in just keepin’ on. 

  3. It seems like you’ve made your decision, but just wanted to chime in as someone else with GAD. I’ve wanfed a tattoo for years.  Finally I knew what I wanted, and I put down a deposit. I was nervous as hell the day before. But, about an hour before the appointment, I realized that this is a transition (no tattoo to having a tattoo) and being nervous is NORMAL. I’ve had a number of body piercings in the past but those were easily removed. Of course I’d be nervous about this. 

    Once I got to the shop, I felt totally calm. I figured that was the most important thing. I trust my artist and felt comfortable in the shop, and even the pain wasn’t bad. Because this was my first tattoo, and because I’ve got a history of fainting, I opted for just the line work. 24 hours later I was so stoked about the outcome that I made my next appointment. 

    All of this is to say that, I think, as somebody with GAD, I’m often constantly questioning myself. “Is of normal to be nervous? Is this GAD or should I really be nervous? But realizing that a little anxiety is normal helped me be a lot more okay with everything.  

    Attached is a photo from -right- after she did it— outline of one of the giant elk inside Lascaux cave. The cave painting has some grey shading along the base of the elk’s body and inside the antlers, so that’s what I’ll get done next...and then hopefully a few more cave critters. 


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