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Tom Denoye

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Everything posted by Tom Denoye

  1. Anyone looking for a copy of Legends? https://www.ebay.com/itm/6-Rare-Out-of-Print-Tattoo-Books-Sailor-Jerry-Cap-Coleman-Amund-Dietzel-Flash/113317563086?pageci=dbc2407d-154e-4e2f-82c8-8c71ac9018f6
  2. A killer bundle being sold here. Sailor Jerry Vol 1, Amund Dietzel, Legends, Sailor Jerry a master tattooer, George Archer flash sold here for the next few days www.ebay.com/itm/113317563086
  3. A killer bundle being sold here. Sailor Jerry Vol 1, Amund Dietzel, Legends by Jason Brooks, Sailor Jerry a master tattooer, Sailor Jerry stencils book, George Archer flash sold here for the next few days www.ebay.com/itm/113317563086
  4. I like the Sailor Jerry chapter
  5. Sailor Jerry Vol 1, Amund Dietzel these blue arms, Legends book and more sold here as a bundle. Can get it really cheap if nobody else bids www.ebay.com/itm/113317563086
  6. A killer bundle being sold here. Sailor Jerry Vol 1, Amund Dietzel, Legends, Sailor Jerry a master tattooer, George Archer flash sold here for the next few days www.ebay.com/itm/113317563086
  7. This post is from a while ago but I was cruising eBay and saw this really good deal for this rare bundle. Pretty good deal for the combination www.ebay.com/itm/113317563086
  8. I was cruising eBay for some good reference books. This person is selling a good bundle for a really good price if anyone needs these. I have everything except the Legends books. I can't find the Legends book anywhere but don't need duplicates www.ebay.com/itm/113317563086
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