Hey everyone.. So about 2 weeks ago I got 2 tattoos (and also my first ever), I got a feather on my inner forearm which the lines turned out just fine. And I got this one on the inner elbow.. The pictures are in order of: Right after, a week after, and now 2 weeks.
Is this blowout..? Could it still be healing? It seems like it's literally getting worse, the e and the s from "cures" are so close from fusing now and there's this general gray all around it. the picture in the middle looked alright, how come that 1 week after looks better than 2 week after? any thoughts?
I'm pretty bumped about this, it's a small writing and I'm not sure how it's going to turn out now, I talked to the artist and he ignored it, said it looked like it's healed just fine..
Btw, it's slightly raised and hasn't scabbed.
Thank you guys!