Hi guys!
Im looking to get my tattoo pretty soon I had a piece drawn up from a friend and I like it but when I brought it to the artist he kind of shot the idea down before really looking at the piece, he wants me to rethink the piece so now I just need advice on what other artists think. The piece my friend has drawn is not final and I want the artist to add some of their own touch/ realism to it but I really like the basic meaning of it being more of family tree tattoo with my last name in the roots
now my last name does mean tree in German and I get that, that is redundant but I don't know where to go, do I start from scratch? is the piece that bad? or should I get a more open minded artist?
Im really set on wanting my last name in the piece (doesn't have to be apart of the tree) as well as it being a tree with roots! (love the roots)
Anyway any advice on the piece or what I should do would be much appreciated!!
Thank you