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J.Stell last won the day on November 28 2018

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  • I am a:
    Tattoo Artist

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  1. Why are you even asking then? Obviously you KNOW it all already. . . You are not a TATTOOER, drop the bit..... I tattoo ten chicks a week like you, you know better, be my guest..... But you know, you really don't know otherwise this convo would be ... Sorry guys I am sick of people asking for advice then belittling the people trying to help.
  2. J.Stell

    Tiger water color

    © Jennifer Stell

  3. J.Stell


    © Jennifer Stell

  4. J.Stell

    Pink Panther

    © Jennifer Stell

  5. It is the center of the compass that has to do with the Sword of Fudo.... Immovable... The place that keeps all things in their order.... I believe... The Book "immovable" is what we referenced... When we were drawing the piece up... Weldon was the only person I knew Richard wouldn't be mad dogging the whole time.... Richard fell asleep on the shop couch.... I really love the piece. Never thought I would get anything above the boobs....
  6. Got a little tattoo a week ago.... I say little cause we cut like three elements out. https://www.instagram.com/p/BqbvrWvlXem/
  7. Is there any way to flag users that are obviously trolling or spamming... Like the vitamin dude and the at self teaching wannabe scratchers?
  8. Self taught tattooers..... HUMMM..... I can list a few people that I know, personally and professionally, that started on their own, in their houses.... and I know a few of those guys tattooed Richard out of their houses.... But they aren't typical examples of "self taught", they essentially hooked up with very well known and respected tattooers, who took them under their respective wing... and smoothed out their roughness and broke their bad habits... Ehh, to each their own... And this folks is why it's important to buy from supply houses that actually check credentials... Trevino, Degan, Deutsch .... just a few.
  9. As opposed to trying to reason with you I will say this..... GO FOR IT. DO IT!!!! JUST DONT F***ing TATTOO ANYONE EXCEPT YOURSELF. If you wanna be another rat jumping on this already F***ing half sank ship, your doom is your call..... This ship never had any benefits, insurance, or savings.... No lifeboats either... There is a TRADITIONAL methodology to becoming invested into the craft, if you don't want to at least try to go that route, and you have already made your mind up as to what "you want"..... Why are you even here? At least take an online Blood Borne Pathogens Class, to keep from getting yourself, or your family sick.... And know, when the rando person at the store comes up to you and asks that question, "you do a lot of your own tattoos?", you can respond.... Yes, and know- to the rest of us, we know it's a big joke and a waste of your own good skin to try to learn on your own body.... Yes, I am a *** and a total asshole. I'm married to a big dick, also a tattooer... Good luck regardless...
  10. It's amazing what some know how and black can do to save a tattoo... Well done.
  11. J.Stell


    Hay.... @Oboogie Thank you... I miss you like mad... Come get tattooed soon, we got Dan Mitchell, aka DRMORLOK, Dan Higgs gave him his nickname, and he was taught by Robert Ryan.... He'll be around for a while and we got Dave Woodard coming up like next week to guest... You get tattooed, and we can catch up on our bullshitting... @SStu I will check his stuff out... Does he post healed, and settled photos, I have seen some stuff like his on the net, but no aged pics... Also, I don't want piercer arm, "black arm", so if i'm stuck with clowns, I will deal with it....
  12. J.Stell


    yeah... no on the clowns.... three years of therapy, a divorce, and im still trying to figure out how to cover it all with mandalas and lace....
  13. If you are really into nerding out..... try to figure out what I am doing with piezo magnets to maybe see if it's applicable to a new concept of machine. NOT ROTARY. Physics.... ha, um, not as much as anatomy & physiology, but a definite runner up on the nerd need lists.... https://phys.org/news/2018-03-piezomagnetic-material-magnetic-properties.html
  14. J.Stell


    Hey don't sweat it... it's a learning curve.... just trying to help get ya jump started in the old rules.... and sleeves don't happen in a day, start with a piece at a time.... just save the hands and special parts for when you have had a few years to take it all in....
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