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Colored Guy

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Posts posted by Colored Guy

  1. I was speaking in a literal way. Food is essential, pay bills and study to get a job is essential to live in a house. It does not matter how bad you want, how meaningful it is, a tattoo is a visual thing, the difference being is that it will be with you the rest of your life, but not having a tattoo you want makes you sad maybe angry, not having food or a good job to maintain the house is a whole other thing.

    We took different meanings in our posts.

    I sort of see what is going on here. I tell my kids that they get their tattoos with their own money, as long as they're not hitting me up for car repairs or "loans", I'm okay with it. Just go to a good shop and use common sense for placement. I'm probably over-indulgent with both of my kids, but try to have them see that tattoos are a luxury and not a necessity.

  2. Ugh, I guess this means I need to see a dermatologist about having some moles removed. I have quite a few on my back, arms, chest, etc. Can't just tattoo around all of them. And I definitely have some that have been tattooed over already.

    Me too. I've had some experienced artists go over them and they look fine. I had one artist that pissed and moaned about my moles and went around a couple.

  3. MY job may not care, I just think it is unprofessional of me to have them displayed especially when I meet customers and represent the company.

    One of the big managers bought the house across the street from me and moved in. Nice guy around age 30.. on the fast track and I don't work for him. He saw my art for the first time last week when we talked while putting garbage out and did not bat an eye.

  4. I'm 59 (male), and there's definitely a difference in how I get them (better educated, better quality), but i haven't noticed any decline in how I heal.

    I'm 60 and had some major work done this year.. kinda partying like it's 1999... but I'm getting exactly what I want and have had some older work freshened up. I heal tattoos about the same. Other cuts on me, heal a lot faster for some reason.

  5. I've had a bunch of tattoo dreams too. Some dreams, I have no tattoos at all... I'm conscious of having HAD tattoos, but in the dream, they're gone. Before I had a sleeve, I would dream that I had them, on both arms.

    A recurring dream is that I have an appointment, but can't remember the exact date or know where the shop is. I'm usually pretty punctual with appointments and have only had to cancel 2 due to grave circumstances.

  6. For an example of a Mason tattoo... if you were a Mason, you'd probably never get one. And if you're a not a Mason, you shouldn't get one. Of course things can have many different meanings to different people.

    Look at how many people wear Von Dutch hats and shirts (not so much any more..) and have no clue who he was.

    I have seen Nazi tattoos on people (definitely not Masons..) that were obviously prison mementos, in there they had a profound meaning and were part of what kept them alive during their stay. Not something to be taken lightly, as the wearer of the art and those who view it.

  7. Thanks for the good vibes. I'm okay, not sure that the nerve block is working 100%, still have some pain at the injection site. In at 7, out on the street by 9:30. I slept most of the day, no driving or drinking for the rest of the day.

    Ohh heel pain... I went to a foot doctor about a year ago, gave me an injection in my heel. If I had a gun in my hand, I would have blown his head off. I have never shouted a compound swear word at a doctor visit before.

  8. I had abdominal surgery today. It was more of a shitty thing when it was on the horizon, but it definitely wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. I was the final surgery of the day, so I had to fast for what felt like forever, and the hunger and associated nausea was probably the worst part. Although it was a shitty thing to be anticipating, it actually went well, and I'm feeling really quite good post surgery. It's really late here, and I can't sleep, so I'm enjoying the LST "back catalogue", bonus!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Well, you made it back. I go for a spinal injection tomorrow at 7 am. I've had a bunch of them, so no big deal. But maybe this one will actually work, they've targeted a nerve coming out of where my herniated disc is.

  9. I say bring on the stares,I like the attention,I like when people look at my tattoos,I get stares,and like Colored guy said,I get a lot of people turning their heads,as if I am a serial axe murderer and I will get 'em if they look ! LOL

    My wife called me a serial killer wanna be more than once. Must be the shaved head and goatee that goes well with the tattoos.

  10. I'm at my machine shop job this evening and a part time programmer stops in to check on a job we're running. He's seen me in a sleeveless shirt before but stops and says, "geeezzzz.. you have a lot of tattoos".. no kidding.

    I wonder what's up.. and out it comes. He has 2 daughters, age 16 and close to 18 and they're both dying for their first tattoo. Of course he and his wife say to wait until the girls are 18.. but his wife now wants to get one. So he's in a bit of a bind. He's no fan of the art form.

    He asks me if I have any regrets, I say no. I have no problem, but the rest of the world might. I just told him not to make that big of a deal out of it... teen girls... can be quite rebellious. And once they don't need permission, they're gonna do what they're gonna do. I advised him to talk to them about going to a reputable shop when the time comes and avoid "artists" who work out of the kitchen while the parents are at work.

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