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Colored Guy

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Posts posted by Colored Guy

  1. my homie Mike Nomikos does really great japanese tattoos if you're in the amityville area also! south shore tattoo is his place

    Thanks, this shop came up in conversation just the other day, my cousin had some work done there and it looks great.

    For the record, I'm not looking to beat anyone out of anything as in getting something cheaper, faster or whatever some of the mASSES here may think. I'm just not comfortable with where I was and the way it was going, which I feel bad about.


  2. That's pretty much what I was planning on (asking & figuring I'd budget for the highest). There are enough parameters for the design that an estimation shouldn't be a totally silly request. Thanks!

    Nothing wrong with knowing what to expect up front. I go with the shop's hourly rate as my guide. If I figure I'm spending $300, I bring maybe $500 in case the session runs longer.


  3. I had a nice cover up done 2 years ago, a koi over an old dragon I had done in 1979. The old work still held some color, but it was beat up and faded badly. Over time, the old color seems to have been coming up to the surface in areas. The cover up was done by a reputable shop and had done other cover up work on me with nothing like this happening.

    Was it an incompatible ink issue between the old and new? My artist says that she can go over it and that should take care of it. Any color on virgin skin outside of the old tattoo area is still very bright and true. Has anyone ran into this problem before?


  4. Wow, some of you guys have such specific requirements! I just shower, eat and make sure I have plenty of cash.

    Afterwards I grab a snack from the train station and head home. Then it's just waiting time till I can unwrap and clean it. Oh, and there's no cash now...

    Shoot, I blitzkrieged all of my rituals last night. Hit the gym hard after work.. wound up with a shaky arm at my appointment. Hardly ate any dinner, quick bowl of soup, washed up good but no shower. Did change my clothes. No after tattoo beers, got home around 11:30, straight to bed.


  5. I'm having my fu-dog finished up on 1/8, figuring on 3-4 hours. Then onto the NYC Tattoo Convention in early March to get some existing work expanded a bit.


    LOL... stopped by the shop tonite to say hi. There was a guy in the chair, looked like the 2nd session on his 1st tattoo. He may have been at the 1-2 hour mark and he was not doing well. Looked like it may have been a pain issue.


  6. So I have decided not to look at the video but from what I'm reading and the cover image for the vid it sounds like a really bad (brown recluse?) spider bite.

    A poskibility.... anything I read about those bites was not good. I got a bad-enough spider bite a few years back, went to the doctor and got a series of shots, tetanus, steroid, antibiotic. It left a big welt over my eyebrow that took a few weeks to go down and months before it faded away.

    - - - Updated - - -

    He was digging around inside the wound to break up any pockets of puss...don't want to leave an undrained collection because it will just reaccumulate. Unfortunately I know this from first hand experience...drained many of these during my internship...the smell is unreal...we would coat the inside of our masks with peppermint oil

    My wife had a cyst on her shoulder blade for years, it was big then got small and almost disappeared. Then it came back and became painful. So she saw a doctor and he said it was infected and had to drain first before he could remove it. He makes an incision and guess who had to squeeze it to drain every morning for 5 days? Then he opened the incision and pulled out the sac... bad enough.


  7. A club I rode with was asked by the local 1%er club to take off our vests at a biker event because our logo looked too much like a patch. They were really nice about it, but wouldn't have been so nice if we had refused. I think they would have just started wailing on an SOA wannabe.

    If you're going to be around real bikers, you had better know the rules.

    Yes, a wise move to comply with their wishes. There's a lot of club rules and regulations behind earning the right to wear a patch. I saw a beef once in the same club over another chapter's bottom rocker that somehow was an infraction for some obscure reason.


  8. hobo's and congress st in portsmouth do this every friday the 13th, and they charge $31.

    These shops are as reputable as a shop can be and they do it as a customer appreciation day. Must choose from specific flash, and though the tattoos are small, and done fairly quickly, they are solid as can be.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with the way they handle it, though I have yet to take advantage of one of these days.

    If they have nice flash to pick from, its a win-win for the customer and the shop. I like the $31 thing, the shop still covers the cost of the supplies.


  9. I always get a good laugh when someone asks how much did it cost/who did it and you tell them you've travelled for the work to which they reply with "Oh, I've got a buddy who would've done that for like $200". :rolleyes:

    If an asswipe asks me how much, I just say $50 and it took 45 minutes.


  10. she does'nt look 16 IMO,

    and that tattoo is so bad,it does'nt seem real.

    was it done freehand or was it stenciled on and she approved it ? LOL

    (these are just my random thoughts)

    Some people are not hip to tattoo protocol, the process, what to expect, how to check out a shop, etc. Some lessons in life just cost more than others. Fortunately for shit work, they are easier to cover up.


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