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Colored Guy

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Posts posted by Colored Guy

  1. This is our cat, Ludovic (Ludo). She will be 10 years old around August of this year. My wife found her in the ditch at a store in her hometown at only a few weeks old. We started dating a year later and the cat has been a my house ever since (even before the wife moved in). She is now having to adjust to our new puppy that we have had for a couple of days. It has been an interesting experience for the cat trying to adjust to having a dog in the house.

    That's a real cute cat and odd colors too. Our Chloe has interesting colors too, she goes from a reddish brown to an almost brown, has grey on her too and these coffee colored patches on her.

    If she came with no name, I would have called her Possum. But can't take a name away from a cat if she already has one.

  2. I stopped in at a local shop to see one of my son's friends that was getting a tattoo. For morale support. There was this one other guy who was getting his tattoo just finished up... down to that final wipe down. The artist says , "how about I add a little detail around it?".

    The tattoo looked fine as is. I couldn't catch his eye and he says "sure" and wound up with some funky shading around his nice tattoo. I thought it looked like ass, I hope he was happy with it.

  3. Every shop I've ever been to has told me I could pay a little at a time until I had enough deposited to cover the amount of the tattoo. The only reason I put so much down at once was because I figured that way I wouldn't spend the money on something else, because I really wanted to get all my tattoos done. I know it doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but it's what I chose to do. It's worked out pretty good so far.

    I had never heard of the practice, but if it works for you, great. Then again in the past I always just managed to scrape up just enough to have something done. I'm a bit more affluent these days.

  4. With my first tattoos, I was an auto mechanic at the time and it really didn't what you had on you anywhere. My move into corporate America, things were a little different. Definitely a lot more conservative and I have to present a good company image.

    I'm covered wrist to shoulder & more. No way I can go past turning up a cuff in the summer. But I don't mind as I've been doing it for 30 years with maybe another 6 to go and I'm out... time for that hand tattoo.

  5. I had a painting instructor who does really nice paintings. He's also a tattoo artist. However his tattoos don't look like his paintings at all. There must be a reason for that. Here are his paintings and here are his tattoos. They're different styles and they emphasize different things.

    I love paint and I love the way paint looks, but human skin isn't like paper or canvas. I don't think it's just a matter of fading, some things look better on a flat computer screen than they look on an arm.

    It seems to be that the best way to get something that looks like a painting on your skin, is to find a good tebori artist. For example, this bird by Horimasa has really nice subtle color transitions, more like a painting than like most tattoos. I also like how well white comes out with tebori.

    Dotwork tattoos also look kind of like drawings or illustrations to me, here is one by Valentin Hirsch.

    The artwork and tattoos in those links are simply stunning.

  6. I don't even see how the above comment is in any way relevant to the OP. My only response is that I'm glad to not be getting tattooed by someone like you. Sorry, but I don't have a polite response to that comment, @Colored Guy. I've never even been to a shop where the artists were alcoholics or drug addicts, and I'm glad to say that. Because they wouldn't be getting any of my money.

    - - - Updated - - -

    On another note, I felt a little bit bad about calling my artist out on this tattoo, even though I was respectful and polite. She has done such an amazing job on the rest of my tattoos that I've gotten from her, and I feel they are worth more than what I paid for them. I wish I could tip her, but I can't afford to. I bought some chocolate chip cookie dough and I'm going to make them for her as a small token of my appreciation for doing such an amazing job, and for being so understanding about fixing my star. I just hope she likes them, or her kids do :)

    Oh I was just kidding although I never heard of laying out so much $$ up front for work.

    However I wonder how many artists do use a layaway plan? I think it may be a great way to finance some tattoo work.

  7. I'm just curious what the craft side of tattooing is, but there seems to be a lot of secrecy around that subject.

    A lot of trades have secrecy surrounding them. I broke into learning machining and the old timers (mostly from Europe) refused to show you anything, they would even cover up things that were working on if I walked up to them. Once they knew I was okay it changed.

    Tattoo artists have to protect what they have worked hard to learn. And it keeps the gene pool strong.

    - - - Updated - - -

  8. I had to go on a work trip with someone who works for me recently. We both telecommute so we had never met. I wore long sleeves at the client site, but I wore t-shirt and jeans to dinner. He kept staring at my sleeve but never said anything so I didn't either. I actually thought it was funny.

    Sometimes the silence can be louder than words.

  9. I work as an engineer, basically with just other engineers in an cubicle type office setting. Not many other engineers are visibly tattooed or tattooed at all. I find that to be weird because I've always thought tattoos were just so normal and a lot of my friends growing up got tatoos. Everyone I work with is really cool and like or don't care I have tattoos. I just finished my back and I would hide in cubicles to show it off, even my 57 year old woman coworker and 55 year old boss got to see it. Still have a job. For visible tattoos, I have a forearm tattoo and plan to start my full sleeve started this Saturday. I plan to wear long sleeves at work but I'm not to worried about not wearing long sleeves at work. When I was young, and still now, I was very curious about tattoos. I'm kind of that way with everything, the past 2 months I went without hot water because I just wanted to see what it was like. Haha, I learned a few things. Anyway, I think I always new I was going to be heavily tattooed some day and now I'm finally in a position where I feel completely comfortable doing that.

    I'm an engineer too and I cover up at work. Some people know about them from the gym or beach and its less of a big deal than I'd ever imagined. Someone saw my left arm sleeve peeking out when I was at work on a Saturday, turned out to be a totally positive thing.


  10. Mine was 2 hearts and a banner with me & my wife's name on it. We were married almost a year... and having someone else's name on you is definitely a curse. We were divorced about 1.5 years later. It was almost a shame to cover it up since it was done so well. But it had to be done.


  11. Seems a bit staged to me, but the ink they show, fake or real is still pretty neat. Worth a watch if you're looking for ideas :)

    A big plus its only a 1/2 hour and good to kill some time. Some of the before tats look really fresh so I'll call it mostly staged. Some of the afters, they run from real good to real bad. Still it may have an actual 45 seconds of actual tattooing going on.


  12. Drink alcohol or take aspirin before you get tattooed thin the blood and can cause you to bleed heavily during the tattoo process. Do not scratch your tattoo and tattoo bleeding is normal for the first few days. Treat your new tattoo as an open wound, keep it clean and do not touch it. You should keep is moistened as much as possible and covered for the first 3-4 days. Tattoo bleeding is when some of the ink flakes off onto other parts of the tattoo, like peeling.

    This is the only time this has happened and I don't drink before or take anything. It healed just as good as any on me. I'll have it touched up.

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